
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ThreeData Types and Operators (continued)

GetHandleType Function


The GetHandleType function returns the associated type code for a handle.



dword = GetHandleType ( handle value );



A handle for which to get the type.

Return Value

Returns an dword as a handle type or 0xFFFFFFFF on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code.


The handle types are defined in the SDK.

  Name   Bitwise   Description  
    SOT_LOCATION_MASK   0xFF000000   Location Mask  
    SOT_LOCAL   0x00000000   Local Object (0x00------)  
            (others types defined in SDK)  
  Base Object Types        
    SOT_BASIC_FILE_OBJECT   0x00000000   Basic File Object  
    SOT_MAPPED_TEXT_OBJECT   0x00000001   Mapped Text Object  
    SOT_EDIT_OBJECT   0x00000002   Edit Object  
    SOT_POOL_OBJECT   0x00000003   Pool Object  
    SOT_LOG_OBJECT   0x00000004   Log Object  
    SOT_WORD_PARSE_OBJECT   0x00000005   Word Parse Object  
    SOT_CSV_OBJECT   0x00000006   CSV Object  
    SOT_MD5_DIGEST_OBJECT   0x00000007   MD5 Digest Object  
    SOT_FOLDER_ENUM_OBJECT   0x00000008   Find File Object  
    SOT_FTP_OBJECT   0x00000009   FTP Communications Class  
    SOT_HTTP_OBJECT   0x0000000A   HTTP Communications Class  
    SOT_ZIP_OBJECT   0x0000000B   Compression Object  
    SOT_DATA_SHEET_OBJECT   0x0000000C   Data Sheet Object  
    SOT_CLIPBOARD_OBJECT   0x0000000D   Clipboard Object (base)  
    SOT_CONSOLE_WINDOW   0x0000000E   Console (Synthetic, is Window Handle)  
    SOT_DATA_OBJECT   0x0000000F   Data Object  


Additional handle types are provided for and located in LegatoDefaultSDK.h. Depending on the implementation of Legato, the types may or may not be available.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic