
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter FiveGeneral Functions (continued)

GetListItemType Function


The GetListItemType function analyzes the content of a provided word as being a list identifier and returns the type and attributes.



dword = GetListItemType ( string data );



A string containing a word with no spaces.

Return Value

Returns a dword containing the attributes from the word scan.


The GetListItemType function scans the content of data and returns a composite bitwise value with the type and attributes of the word:

  Definition   Bitwise   Description  
    LT_COUNT_MASK   0x000000FF   Mask Counter Number (or character)  
    LT_MASK   0x0000FF00   Format Mask  
  Type Codes          
    LT_TYPE_MASK   0x00000F00   List Type Mask  
    LT_TYPE_UNKNOWN   0x00000000   Unknown Type  
    LT_TYPE_ARABIC   0x00000100   List Type  
    LT_TYPE_UPPER_ALPHA   0x00000200   A, B, C ...  
    LT_TYPE_LOWER_ALPHA   0x00000300   a, b, c ...  
    LT_TYPE_UPPER_ROMAN   0x00000400   I, II, III ...  
    LT_TYPE_LOWER_ROMAN   0x00000500   i, ii, iii ...  
    LT_TYPE_BULLET   0x00000600   Bullet Type  
    LT_TYPE_COMPOSITE   0x00000700   Number is Composite 10.24  
    LT_TYPE_CHECKBOX   0x00000800   Check Box Type [x]  
    LT_AMBIGUOUS_I   0x00000900   Contains a capital “I” as a single word  
    LT_FORMAT_MASK   0x0000F000   Format Mask  
    LT_FORMAT_NONE   0x00000000   No formatting  
    LT_FORMAT_IN_HOLE   0x00001000   Word in Hole (a)  
    LT_FORMAT_IN_BRACKET   0x00002000   Word in Hole [a]  
    LT_FORMAT_IN_BRACE   0x00003000   Word in Hole {a}  
    LT_FORMAT_WINGS   0x00004000   Word in Wings -23-  
    LT_FORMAT_PERIOD_TRAIL   0x00005000   Number is Dec Trailed 1., 2.  
    LT_FORMAT_PAREN_TRAIL   0x00006000   Number is Trailed 1) 2)  
    LT_FORMAT_BRACKET_TRAIL   0x00007000   Number is Trailed 1] 2]  


The GetListItemType function is useful for determining the type of characteristics of a leading list item. The GetWordType function can be used to help determine if additional refinement is required during the parse process.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic

Page revised 2024-08-19