
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter FiveGeneral Functions (continued)

LogToTable Function


The LogToTable function copies the contents of a log into a string table.



string[][] = LogToTable ( [handle hLog] );



An optional handle to a Log Object created with the LogCreate function. If this handle is omitted or NULL_HANDLE is specified, the function will apply the error summary to the default log.

Return Value

Returns a string table containing a row for each log entry or an empty set on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code.


The column key names for each entry is as follows:

  Key Name   Description
  message   The text of the log message.
  x_bias   A decimal string — reserved for position bias.
  flags   A hexadecimal string specifying bitwise entry flags. The lower bit positions specify the message type.
  s_x   A decimal string as the start of the X position for the target file, if supplied.
  s_y   A decimal string as the start of the Y position for the target file, if supplied.
  e_x   A decimal string as the end of the X position for the target file, if supplied.
  e_y   A decimal string as the end of the Y position for the target file, if supplied.
  p_x   A decimal string as the page or tab for the target file, if supplied.
  id   A general message ID.
  field   A general field name in error or the subject of the message.
  value   A general field value. Presumably the offending value.
  target   The target file, if supplied.
  c_offset   A decimal string as the caller’s offset.
  c_s1   Caller string.
  c_s2   Caller string.
  c_s3   Caller string.
  c_s4   Caller string.
  c_d1   A hexadecimal value for a caller dword value.
  c_d2   A hexadecimal value for a caller dword value.
  c_d3   A hexadecimal value for a caller dword value.
  c_d4   A hexadecimal value for a caller dword value.


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic