
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter SixFile Functions (continued)

GetURIComponents Function


The GetURIComponents function parses a URI and returns the authority or domain name.



string[] = GetURIComponents ( string uri );



A string containing a URI with a scheme.

Return Value

Returns a string array containing components of a cracked URI. On failure a formatted error code will be set but the array will still be returned. See Remarks below. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve error information.


Internal limits have been set on the sizes of various items which can result in an overflow error. In addition, certain parsing errors will stop the cracking process. However, an array of items will still be returned which will contain what ever information can be garnered from the cracking process. Use the IsError and GetLastError to determine if an error occurred and the nature of the error.

Sub error codes are as follows (mask off ERROR_OVERFLOW or ERROR_SYNTAX using ERROR_CODE_MASK):

  Code   Description  
  0x0101   Name overflow.  
  0x0201   Authority overflow.  
  0x0301   User overflow.  
  0x0302   Password overflow.  
  0x0303   Host overflow.  
  0x0401   Port number syntax (must be valid decimal). Does not check for range.  
  0x0501   Path overflow.  
  0x0601   Query overflow.  


The base URI is disassembled as follows;

                    authority               path
  +-+   +---------------+ +---------+ +-+           +-------+ +-----+
scheme  user information     host     port            query   fragment


(portions courtesy Wikipedia.org)

The following key names and data components are returned:

  Key Name   Description  
  scheme   Text of the specified scheme.  
  authority   Combined user, password, domain (host) and port.  
  host   Domain name or host name.  
  path   Path component which may contain a filename.  
  port   Port number of specified,  
  scheme_code   A string as a decimal value specifying a code for a common scheme. See URI_SCHEME_ codes in the default SDK. For example: URI_SCHEME_HTTP. If the scheme is not known, the field will be URI_SCHEME_UNKNOWN 0.  
  name   Name or namespace also referred to a fragment.  
  query   Query portion of URI. Note that the size of this component is limited to 1,024 characters. If the size is larger, use the GetURIQuery function or the query can be manually be parsed using the q_x value.  
  user   Username if specified. For mailto: this will be the recipient.  
  password   Password if specified.  
  a_x   Zero based index of the start of the authority. -1 if no index is available.  
  p_x   Zero based index of the start of the path. -1 if no index is available.  
  n_x   Zero based index of the start of the name. -1 if no index is available.  
  q_x   Zero based index of the start of the query. -1 if no index is available.  
  d_x   Zero based index of the start of the data. -1 if no index is available. Data only applies to non-URI schemes such as ‘data:’.  


The authority includes the subdomain (for example, “www”), username and password, and port number. The URI contained in the uri parameter must have a scheme. URIs with the “mailto” scheme will return the entire email address (name@domain name).

If the any internal buffer is exceeded, the GetLastError function will return ERROR_OVERFLOW.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic