
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter SixFile Functions (continued)

EnumerateOpenFiles Function


The EnumerateOpenFiles function returns a table of files that are currently open by the application.



string [][] = EnumerateOpenFiles ( [boolean allfiles] );



An optional boolean specifying whether to show all files or only non-temp files. The default value is FALSE.

Return Value

A two-dimensional string array containing a row entry for every open file enumerated or an empty array on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code. 


The following specifies the column key names and meanings:

  Key Name   Description  
  File Control      
    file_name    File name (actual reported to user).  
    handle   File handle in hexadecimal form. This is the handle to access the target file data. If may not be the handle to the file named in the file_name key name.  
    c_flags   Class Control Flags (see below).  
    last_error   Last error processing file in hexadecimal form (no error if zero).  
    o_id   Owner ID. This can match a view type if open by one of the editor windows.  
  Relay/Temporary File      
    temp_name   If a temporary file is being used (i.e., a cloud connection), this is the name of the temp file.  
    target_handle   Target handle for the file in hexadecimal form. If a swapped file is be used or is alias, this is the handle for the target file.  
  File Properties      
    fo_mode   File open flags in hexadecimal form (see below).  
    file_size   Size of the file when opened in decimal form.  
    file_create_time   Create time of file in ISO-8601.  
    file_modified_time   Modified time of file in ISO-8601.
  Access Stats      
    read_count   Number of times a read has been performed in decimal form.  
    write_count   Number of times a write has been performed in decimal form.  
    other_count   Number of functions such as getting times, sizes, positioning, in decimal form.  
    create_tick   System tick count of when the class was created in decimal form.  
    read_tick   System tick count of last time the file was read in decimal form.  
    write_tick   System tick count of last time the file was written in decimal form.  
    other_tick   System tick count of last time other operations were performed in decimal form.  
    c_c_acts   Presently outstanding changes in decimal form. This field will be blank if the caller did not provide this information. For files open in edit views, this value is the same as the change counter. See GetEditObjectChangeCount for additional information.  
    c_i1   Caller integer data in decimal form.  
    c_i2   Caller integer data in decimal form.  
    c_d1   Caller dword data in hexadecimal form.  
    c_p1   Caller pointer in hexadecimal form.  
    c_p2   Caller pointer in hexadecimal form.  


The c_flags values are as follows:

  Definition   Bitwise Value   Description  
  File Location          
    FO_CF_LOCATION_MASK   0x00000000   Location Mask  
    FO_CF_LOCATION_DISK   0x00000000   On Local Disk (default)  
    FO_CF_LOCATION_NETWORK   0x00000001   On Local Area Network†  
    FO_CF_LOCATION_VPN   0x00000002   On Virtual Private Network†  
    FO_CF_LOCATION_VFC   0x00000003   On Virtual File Cloud†  
    FO_CF_LOCATION_CLOUD   0x00000004   On 3rd Part Share Cloud†  
  Processing Flags          
    FO_CF_FILE_IN_ERROR_STATE   0x00010000   File is in Error Lockout  
    FO_CF_DELETE_TEMP_ON_DESTROY   0x00020000   Temporary File (deletes on destroy)  
    FO_CF_DELETE_FILE_ON_DESTROY   0x00040000   Delete File (deletes on destroy)  
    FO_CF_NOT_OUR_HANDLE   0x00080000   Handle and Name Are Callers  
    FO_CF_NO_ERROR_REPORTS   0x00100000   Do Not Report Errors  
    FO_CF_SPOOL_APPEND   0x00200000   Spool File (appends and open/close)  
  † Reserved for future version.          


The fo_mode flags are as follows:

  Definition   Bitwise Value   Description  
  FO_READ   0x00000000   Read-Only  
  FO_WRITE   0x00000001   Read and Write  
  FO_SHARE_READ   0x00000010   Allow Others to Open as Read  
  FO_SHARE_WRITE   0x00000020   Allow Others to Open as Write  
  FO_TEMP_FILE   0x00010001   Create/Delete Temp File Exclusive  
  FO_DELAY_CREATE   0x00020001   Create Only, Delay on Share  
  FO_CREATE_HIDDEN   0x00080000   Make Hidden on Create  
  FO_WAIT_OPEN   0x00200000   Delay on Share (open)  


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic