
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter SixFile Functions (continued)

MIMEGetItemProperties Function


The MIMEGetItemProperties function returns a string list containing properties for a requested item entry within a MIME Object.



string[] = MIMEGetItemProperties ( handle hMIME, int index);



A handle for a MIME Object created with the MIMEOpen function.


An int specifying the zero-based index for an item within the MIME Object.

Return Value

A string array contain the property values with the property names as key names or an empty array on error. Use the GetLastError to retrieve a formatted error code.


Each item (file or data entry) within a MIME message will have an index entry. If there alternative parts and multiple boundary layers, then entry information can overlap. For example, an email message may have plain text and HTML, each will have a boundary and both will be in a multipart boundary.

The following key names are defined:

  Key Name   Description
  Source Position    
    StartLine   Start position within the source object. This value is only valid if the object was opened from an existing data source and the file is located in that source.
    EndLine   End position within the source object. This value is only valid if the object was opened from an existing data source and the file is located in that source.
    Layer   The boundary layer level. This will normally be zero but can be 1 or more if a boundary item contains addition parts. A 1 indicates that the item is inside another boundary item.
  File Information    
    FullPath   Full path, if provided within the source data.
    Name   Name, if provided within the source data.
    Encoding   Raw type of encoding employed as a string.
    Content-Type   The raw content-type string as specified for the MIME entry.
    Flags   A hexadecimal number representing the entry flags.
    FileTypeCode   A hexadecimal number representing file type as a code based on the extension or the content-type. Note that content-type based items can be very general, such as FT_XML.
    FileTypeString   Translated version of the FileTypeCode.
    EncodingType   A hexadecimal number representing the encoding type as a translated value.
    ApplicationType   A hexadecimal number representing the application type, if applicable such as MS Word.
    Created   Raw file creation date string, if provided.
    Modified   Raw file modified date string, if provided.
    c_i1   A decimal string presenting user-defined information.
    c_i2   A decimal string presenting user-defined information.

Each type of parameter may have addition encoding and parameters within the data.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic