
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter EightData Functions (continued)

DataSheetGetRowProps Function


The DataSheetGetRowProps function returns all the properties associated with a specified row entry within a Data Sheet object.



string[] = DataSheetGetRowProps ( handle hSheet, int index );



A handle to a Data Sheet object.


A zero-based int representing the row index.

Return Value

Returns an array of strings containing named entries for each discrete property of a row or an empty array on error. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve error information.


Each row within a data sheet can have associated row properties. The Data Sheet object must have a row array to be able to use this function. The row array is automatically created as required.

All row information is returned in an array. The named fields are as follows:

  RowIndex Provided as a courtesy to indicate the row referenced.  
  RowName Name of the row. This can be blank. When a row legend is displayed while viewing a data object, the row index (+1) or the row name is displayed in the legend.  
  pxHeight The height of the row as it would be displayed in pixels.  
  pvHeight The height as specified as a pValue type (see pValue Types). If zero, the row height is being automatically calculated.  
  pxPosition The absolution visual position of the row from the top of the sheet (0 position).  
  ControlFlags Internal control flags (see below).  
CallerData A 32-bit caller data word, this is the same value accessed via the DataSheetGetRowDataWord function.  

Row height information is only calculated and considered reliable if the sheet is attached to a viewing window or a dialog control.

Control flags are used by the application and can also have caller bits. The caller bits may be used by an associated view. The standard flags are as follows:

  Code (Windows SDK) Value   Comment  
    DS_RC_SHEET_FLAG_MASK   0x0000FFFF   Mask for application flags  
    DS_RC_CALLER_FLAG_MASK   0xFFFF0000   Mask for caller flags (button)  
  Action Modes  
    DS_RC_NO_RESIZE   0x00000001   User cannot resize  
    DS_RC_ALLOW_DRAG   0x00000002   User can drag and drop rows  
    DS_RC_ALLOW_SELECT   0x00000004   User can select  
    DS_RC_ALLOW_RENAME   0x00000008   User can rename  
    DS_RC_ALLOW_PRESS   0x00000010   User can press button  
  Display Label Modes  
    DS_RC_LABEL_MASK   0x00000C00   Vertical text mode mask  
    DS_RC_LABEL_LEFT   0x00000000   Left text (default)  
    DS_RC_LABEL_CENTER   0x00000400   Center text  
    DS_RC_LABEL_RIGHT   0x00000800   Right text  
  Default Cell Text (match DC_ )  
    DS_RC_TEXT_VERT_MASK   0x00000300   Vertical text mode mask  
    DS_RC_TEXT_DEFAULT   0x00000000   Default (middle)  
    DS_RC_TEXT_MIDDLE   0x00000100   Middle (default)  
    DS_RC_TEXT_TOP   0x00000200   Top text  
    DS_RC_TEXT_BOTTOM   0x00000300   Bottom text  
  Protection (whole row)  
    DS_RC_READ_ONLY   0x00001000   Row is read-only  
    DS_RC_PROTECTED   0x00002000   Row is protected (password)  
  Control (Private to Data View and children)  
    DS_RC_CARET   0x00000020   Row is caret position  
    DS_RC_HIDDEN   0x00000040   Row is hidden  
    DS_RC_DISABLED   0x00000080   Row is disabled  
    DS_RC_SELECTED   0x00004000   Row is selected  
    DS_RC_DIRTY   0x00008000   Row needs recalculation  


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic

Page revised 2024-08-19