
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter EightData Functions (continued)

DataSheetGetCellType Function


The DataSheetGetCellType function returns the type of a cell as an ordinal number. Cell types range from text to button controls.



int = DataSheetGetCellType ( handle hSheet, int row, int column );

int = DataSheetGetCellType ( handle hSheet, string row, string column );

int = DataSheetGetCellType ( handle hSheet, string address );



A handle to a Data Sheet Object.


An int or string specifying a zero-based row or Y position for the cell.


An int or string specifying a zero-based column or X position for the cell.


A string specifying the cell position by cell address such as “A1”.

Return Value

Returns an int containing the cell type or a formatted error code on failure.


The cell type is determined from the cell flags. The following flags represent the type.

  Definition   Bitwise Flags   Description  
  Display Type        
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_TYPE_MASK   0x0000000F   Mask for Type Data  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_TEXT   0x00000000   Text Cell (multiple, icons)  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_CHECKBOX   0x00000001   Display Check Box  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_CHECKBOX_AUTO   0x00000002   Display Check Box (auto)  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_RADIO   0x00000003   Display Radio Button  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_RADIO_AUTO   0x00000004   Display Radio Button (auto)  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_PUSHBUTTON   0x00000005   Display Push Button  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_PUSHBUTTON_TOGGLE   0x00000006   Display Push Button (auto)  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_COMBOBOX   0x00000007   Display Combo Box Select  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_COMBOBOX_EDIT   0x00000008   Display Combo Box and Edit  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_LISTBOX   0x00000009   Display List Box  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_IMAGE   0x0000000A   Display Image/Picture  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_V_SCROLL   0x0000000B   Display Vertical Scroll  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_H_SCROLL   0x0000000C   Display Horizontal Scroll  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_HTML   0x0000000D   Display HTML  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_NUMERIC   0x0000000E   Display Numeric (original in edit)  
    DS_CF_DISPLAY_PROGRESS   0x0000000F   Display As Progress  


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic

Page revised 2024-08-19