
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter NineDialog Functions (continued)

9.20 Page Control

9.20.1 Introduction

The Page Control can be access as the “page_control” class as a dialog control or as the “page_view” class or PageView window. Page Control is available in Legato Basic where as Page View is only available in applications that support HTML editing. The Page Control can be addressed as “page_control” or the alias “PageControl”.

Page Control is a custom control that supports the editing of HTML in page layout mode. In most respects, the Page Control operates like other text based dialog controls in that text may be set and retrieved, actions taken and options set. 

The Page Control is a HTML based layout editor. Page View which allows for access to the full suite of features from the application. Generally, dialog boxes should use Page Control.

Unlike other dialog controls, the Page Control accepts to be addressed in terms of X/Y file positions in column and line, respectively. Further, tab characters are counted as white space and as one character. Therefore, the Page Control operates in native tab mode.

Note: The Page Control is under development and is provided on a beta basic. It only processes basic HTML and CSS.

9.20.2 Page Control Types and Styles

The Page Control can have the suite of WS_ control styles and most commonly WS_HSCROLL and WS_VSCROLL. By default, the control does not have a border or scrollbars. Example of a Page Control:

        12, 20, 340, 126, 0

9.20.3 Page Control Notifications

The following messages are sent via the dialog action procedure.

  Notification code   Value   Description  
  Page Control Specific:          
    PCN_UPDATE_STATUS   0x0010   Status/Position Change  
    PCN_CLICK_SINGLE   0x0011   Click Once (Post Process)  
    PCN_CLICK_DOUBLE   0x0012   Click Double (Post Process)  
    PCN_CLICK_TRIPLE   0x0013   Click Double (Post Process)  
    PCN_RIGHT_CLICK   0x0014   Right Click/Context Menu  
    PCN_DRAG_SELECT    0x0015   Drag Selected (Post Process)   
    PCN_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATE    0x0016   Change Position on Keyboard  
    PCN_CONTEXT_MENU_KEY    0x0017   Pressed Context Menu Key   
    PCN_CONTEXT_MENU_OPEN    0x0018   Open Context Menu (to be presented)   
    PCN_CONTEXT_MENU_CLOSE    0x0019   Close Context Menu   
  Edit Control Common:          
    PCN_SET_FOCUS    0x0100   The control has received focus.  
    PCN_KILL_FOCUS    0x0200   The control has lost focus.  
    PCN_CHANGE    0x0300   Content Has Changed  
    PCN_UPDATE    0x0400   Content About Changed   
    PCN_ERRSPACE    0x0500   Insufficient Memory   
    PCN_MAX_TEXT    0x0501   Exceeded User Set Maximum Characters   
    PCN_HSCROLL    0x0601   Horizontal Scroll Change   
    PCN_VSCROLL    0x0601   Vertical Scroll Change   
  Navigation Specific:          
    ENX_NAVIGATE   0x0B04   Clicked on a Hyper Link  


9.20.4 Page Control Styles

On creation, Page Control will abode by a number of edit control window style bits:

  Notification code   Value   Description  
  Edit Control Styles:          
    ES_READONLY   0x0800   Prevents the user from typing or editing text in the Page Control. The control will adopt a browse like profile. The Enter key will not be captured by the control.  


9.20.5 Page View Control Functions

Page revised 2024-08-19