
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

SGMLScrubParameters Function


The SGMLScrubParameters function scans the currently parsed tag parameters (attributes and properties) and removes any erroneous items.



int = SGMLScrubParameters ( handle hSGML, [dword flags] );



A handle to an SGML Object.


An optional dword specifying the items to keep or remove. The default is to remove all HTML attributes except core attributes and leave all CSS, SGML_SCRUB_KEEP_CORE_ATTRIBUTES.

Return Value

An int as the count of the parameters in error removed or a formatted error code.


The scrub process removed specified items. The keep options are as follows:

  SDK Definition   Bitwise   Description  
  SGML_SCRUB_HTML_ATTRIBUTES   0x00000001   Scrub HTML Attributes   
  SGML_SCRUB_KEEP_CORE_ATTRIBUTES    0x00000002   Keep TITLE CLASS ID (default)  
  SGML_SCRUB_ALL_CSS    0x00000100   Delete All CSS (STYLE)   
  SGML_SCRUB_NON_W3C_CSS    0x00000200   Delete Non-W3C Items   


Note that since STYLE is converted to CSS by default, the W3C core attribute STYLE cannot be removed. By removing all CSS properties, the STYLE attribute will be removed.

Erroneous items are also removed with their respective group.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic