
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

HTMLTableGetRowProperties Function


The HTMLTableGetRowProperties function returns the collected properties for a specified row.



string[] = HTMLTableGetRowProperties ( handle hTable, int row );



A handle to an HTML Table Map Object.


A zero-based int specifying the row.

Return Value

Returns a string array containing various parsed attributes of the row or an empty array on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code.


Each mapped cell will have various characteristics and properties stored. The HTMLTableGetRowProperties function will retrieve these properties in the form of an array with key names. The values are as follows: 

  Key Name   Description  
  HTML Attributes    
    ABBR   Abbreviation or abbreviated form. Deprecated, not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
    AXIS   Category for cells. Deprecated, not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
    CLASS   CSS class name for cell. Not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
    COLSPAN   Number of columns to span. Not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
    HEADERS   Related header. Not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
    ID   Unique namespace ID for element. Not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
    NOWRAP   Flags specifying not to wrap text. Not presented in properties if not present in tag.†  
    ROWSPAN   Number of rows to span. Not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
    SCOPE   Scope of cell. Deprecated, not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
    TITLE   Title for tag. Not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
  CSS Properties      
    BackgroundColor   Background color in CSS form. If specified as HTML attribute, it is translated to CSS. Not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
    Height   Specified height of the cell. If specified in HTML, it is translated to CSS. Not presented in properties if not present in tag.†  
    TextAlign   Horizontal content align in CSS form. If specified as HTML attribute, it is translated to CSS. Not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
    VerticalAlign   Vertical content align in CSS form. If specified as HTML attribute, it is translated to CSS. Not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
    Width   Specified width of the cell. If specified in HTML, it is translated to CSS. Not presented in properties if not present in tag.  
    Position   Zero-based column position.  
    DiscretePosition   The Discrete Column Position in the column array. Note that the order of the columns is not necessarily linear.  
    ColumnSpan   Calculated column span, ‘1’ if no span.  
    RowSpan   Calculated row span, ‘1’ if no span.  
    c_y   c_x   Two parameters specifying the row and column position with the table matrix.  
    d_sx  d_sy  d_ex  d_ey   The zero-based X/Y position within the source file/object excluding the open and close tags. This specifies the content area.  
    t_sx  t_sy  t_ex  t_ey   The zero-based X/Y position within the source file/object including the open and close tags.  
  Control and Content      
    ControlFlags   A hex representation of bitwise control flags, See below.  
    ContentFlags   A hex representation of bitwise content flags, See below.  
    StyleFlags   A hex representation of bitwise style flags, See below.  
    Element   HTML element name for cell.  
    ElementToken   A hex representation of the DTD token value for the item.  


The bitwise ControlFlags values are as follows (map entry):

  Definition   Bitwise   Description  
  Style Content Clues          
    ME_DCC_H_LINE   0x00000010   Horizontal Line <HR>  
    ME_DCC_D_LINE   0x00000020   Drawing Lines (-, _, etc)  
    ME_DCC_V_BORDERS   0x00000040   Vertical Borders (CSS)  
    ME_DCC_H_BORDERS   0x00000080   Horizontal Borders (CSS)  
    ME_DCC_BACKGROUND   0x00000100   Has Background Specified  
    ME_DCC_TH   0x00000200   Contains (is) Header <TH> </TH>  
    ME_DCC_BLOCKS   0x00000400   Contains Block Tags  
    ME_DCC_TABLE_IN_TABLE   0x00000800   Contains Table in Table Tags  
    ME_DCC_INLINE   0x00001000   Contains Inline Tags  
    ME_DCC_OTHER_TAGS   0x00008000   Contains Other Block Tags  
    ME_HAS_WIDTH   0x00010000   Specified WIDTH (or width:)  
    ME_HAS_COLSPAN   0x00020000   Specified COLSPAN  
    ME_HAS_ROWSPAN   0x00040000   Specified ROWSPAN  
  Entry Type          
    ME_TYPE_MASK   0x00F00000   Type Mask  
    ME_TYPE_MASK_CF   0x01F00000   Type Mask w/ Close Flag  
    ME_TYPE_TABLE   0x00000000   Table Entry (TABLE Tag)  
    ME_TYPE_CAPTION   0x00100000   Table Entry (CAPTION Tag)  
    ME_TYPE_ROW_GROUP   0x00200000   Row Group (THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT)  
    ME_TYPE_ROW   0x00300000   Row (TR)  
    ME_TYPE_COL_GROUP   0x00400000   Column Grouping Start (COLGROUP)  
    ME_TYPE_COL   0x00500000   Column Definition (COL)  
    ME_TYPE_CELL   0x00600000   Cell (TD or TH)  
    ME_TYPE_FLOAT_BR   0x00700000   Table Float Control Break  
    ME_TYPE_CLOSE_FLAG   0x01000000   This is a Close Tag  
  Edit Action          
    ME_DELETED   0x04000000   Cell/Row Deleted  
    ME_NEW   0x08000000   New Cell/Entry  
    ME_REPLACE   0x10000000   Replace Cell/Entry  
    ME_UPDATED   0x20000000   Entry is Updated  
    ME_UPDATED_COLSPAN   0x40000000   Entry is Updated for Columns Span  
    ME_AS_EMPTY   0x80000000   Treat as Empty  


The bitwise ContentFlags values are as follows:

  Definition   Bitwise   Description  
  Data Type Flags          
    ME_CF_TYPE_MASK   0x0000000F   Cell Type Mask  
    ME_CF_TYPE_CONFLICTED   0x0000000F   Conflicted/Mixed (row combine)  
    ME_CF_TYPE_UNKNOWN   0x00000000   Unknown Cell Type  
    ME_CF_TYPE_EMPTY   0x00000001   Nothing in Cell  
    ME_CF_TYPE_NIL   0x00000002   Nil or Dashes  
    ME_CF_TYPE_TEXT   0x00000003   General Text  
    ME_CF_TYPE_HEADER   0x00000004   Header, Date Lexicon or Number  
    ME_CF_TYPE_FINANCIAL   0x00000005   Financial Figure  
    ME_CF_TYPE_NUMERIC   0x00000006   Non-Financial Figure (not date)  
    ME_CF_TYPE_FOOTNOTE   0x00000007   Footnote  
    ME_CF_HINT_HEADER_MASK   0x00003F00   Mask for Header Style  
    ME_CF_HINT_DATE   0x00000100   Cell Has Date Lexicon Item(s)  
    ME_CF_HINT_YEAR   0x00000200   Cell Has Date Year  
    ME_CF_HINT_HEADER   0x00000400   Cell Has Other Header Lexicon  
    ME_CF_HINT_TOTAL_RULE   0x00000800   Cell Has Total ('=')  
    ME_CF_HINT_HR_1   0x00001000   Cell Has <HR>  
    ME_CF_HINT_HR_2   0x00002000   Cell Has <HR> (Double)  
    ME_CF_HINT_CURRENCY   0x00004000   Cell Has Currency (not shared)  
  High-Level (row only, bitwise)      
    ME_CF_HINT_STUB_TEXT   0x00100000   Stub Text  
    ME_CF_HINT_DATA   0x00200000   Non-Stub Data  
    ME_CF_HINT_LINE_ITEM   0x00300000   Stub and Line Data  
    ME_CF_HINT_HEADER_ROW   0x00400000   Header Style Data  


The bitwise StyleFlags values are as follows:

  Definition   Bitwise   Description  
  Top Border          
    ME_SF_TOP_BORDER_MASK   0x0000000F   Border Mask  
    ME_SF_TOP_BORDER_NONE   0x00000000   No Border  
    ME_SF_TOP_BORDER_SINGLE   0x00000001   Single Border (thin)  
    ME_SF_TOP_BORDER_DOUBLE   0x00000002   Double Border  
    ME_SF_TOP_BORDER_HEAVY   0x00000003   Heavy/Thick Border  
  Bottom Border          
    ME_SF_BOTTOM_BORDER_MASK   0x000000F0   Border Mask  
    ME_SF_BOTTOM_BORDER_NONE   0x00000000   No Border  
    ME_SF_BOTTOM_BORDER_SINGLE   0x00000010   Single Border (thin)  
    ME_SF_BOTTOM_BORDER_DOUBLE   0x00000020   Double Border  
    ME_SF_BOTTOM_BORDER_HEAVY   0x00000030   Heavy/Thick Border  


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic