
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

HTMLHeaderGetComponents Function


The HTMLHeaderGetComponents function returns the control word containing the detected header components.



int = HTMLHeaderGetComponents ( handle hHeader );



A handle to an HTML Header Object.

Return Value

Returns an dword specifying the header component as bitwise indicators. Use the GetLastError to retrieve a formatted error code or IsError to determine if an error occurred.


The following bits can be set during the mapping of the header:

  Definition   Bitwise Code   Description
  HH_HM_DOCTYPE   0x00000001   <DOCTYPE> was present
  HH_HM_HTML   0x00000002   <HTML> was present
  HH_HM_HEAD   0x00000004   <HEAD> was present
  HH_HM_TITLE   0x00000008   <TITLE> was present
  HH_HM_ISINDEX   0x00000010   <ISINDEX> was present
  HH_HM_META   0x00000020   <META> was present
  HH_HM_LINK   0x00000040   <LINK> was present
  HH_HM_BASE   0x00000080   <BASE> was present
  HH_HM_SCRIPT   0x00000100   <SCRIPT> was present
  HH_HM_OBJECT   0x00000200   <OBJECT> was present
  HH_HM_STYLE   0x00000400   <STYLE> was present
  HH_HM_BASEFONT   0x00000800   <BASEFONT> was present
  HH_HM__HEAD   0x00010000   </HEAD> was present
  HH_HM_BODY   0x00020000   <BODY> was present
  HH_HM_COMMENT   0x80000000   <!-- > was present


Related Functions

HTMLHeaderHasDTD — Tests whether the document has an HTML DTD specified.

HTMLHeaderHasHeader — Tests whether the document has an HTML header.

HTMLHeaderHasLinkData — Tests whether the document has HTML link data.

HTMLHeaderHasMetaData — Tests whether the document has HTML meta data.

HTMLHeaderHasScriptData — Tests whether the document header contains a script.

HTMLHeaderHasStyleData — Tests whether the document has style links or data.

HTMLHeaderHasTitle — Tests whether the document has an HTML title.

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic