
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

OutlineGetItemType Function


The OutlineGetItemType function returns the type of item for an outline entry.



dword = OutlineGetItemType ( handle hObject, int position );



A handle to an HTML Outline Object.


An int specifying the zero-based position for a mapped outline entry.

Return Value

A dword containing the type bits for the item or zero (0) on error.


See the Outline introduction for a description of the HO_TYPE_ bits. To retrieve only the type, AND the mask HO_TYPE_MASK with the return value.

  Define   Bitwise   Description  
  Basic Types          
    HO_TYPE_MASK   0x00FF0000   Type Mask  
    HO_TYPE_UNKNOWN   0x00000000   Unknown Type  
    HO_TYPE_EMPTY   0x00010000   Empty  
    HO_TYPE_BLOCK_GENERAL   0x00020000   General Block (unknown)  
    HO_TYPE_HEADING   0x00030000   Heading  
    HO_TYPE_PARAGRAPH   0x00040000   Paragraph  
    HO_TYPE_LIST   0x00050000   List Item  
    HO_TYPE_TABLE_GENERAL   0x00060000   Table General/Unknown  
    HO_TYPE_TABLE_TOC   0x00070000   Table of Contents  
    HO_TYPE_TABLE_INDEX   0x00080000   Table Index/List  
    HO_TYPE_TABLE_LIST   0x00090000   Table List Item  
    HO_TYPE_TABLE_FINANCIAL   0x000A0000   Table Financial  
    HO_TYPE_PAGE_BREAK   0x000B0000   Page Break  
    HO_TYPE_FIELD_SET   0x000C0000   Field Set  
    HO_TYPE_ID_GROUP   0x000F0000   Specifies a Named Position  
    HO_TYPE_TABLE_CELL   0x00100000   Table Cell (Table Content Only)  
  Mode (relies on PK_TEXT_ALIGN)      
    HO_TYPE_MODE_MASK   0x0000000F   Type Mask  
    HO_TYPE_MODE_LEFT   0x00000001   Left  
    HO_TYPE_MODE_RIGHT   0x00000002   Right  
    HO_TYPE_MODE_CENTER   0x00000003   Center  
    HO_TYPE_MODE_JUSTIFY   0x00000004   Justify  
  Paragraph Expansion          
    HO_TYPE_PARA_LEAD_IN   0x00000010   Lead-In  


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic