
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

HTMLAddText Function


The HTMLAddText function adds text to the output stream as encoded, or unencoded depending on the text mode of the HTML Writer Object. The function also adds data in free text or styled mode.



int = HTMLAddText ( handle hHWO, string data, [dword style | string style] );



A handle to an HTML Writer Object.


A string containing the text to be added. If the mode is encoded (i.e., the caller is creating PCDATA) any text and HTML can be added to the stream. If the object is writing in open mode, the text is immediately added to the stream and encoded as required. When writing in styled mode, the text is added to an open paragraph or table cell stream and is written on completion of the paragraph or cell.


An optional string or dword that applies style to the data being written in styled mode. The parameter can be a dword specifying a simple text attribute (TA_) value or a string containing more complex CSS information. The parameters must only be inline style properties such as ‘font-family’ or ‘color’.

Return Value

An int as a ERROR_NONE (0) for no error or a formatted error code.


In open mode and when data is being added as raw PCDATA, the programmer is responsible for not introducing HTML errors. In open mode as PCDATA the code can contain essentially any tags. They are passed through to the output without processing. With open mode and non-PCDATA, all escaped characters are translated as character entities into PCDATA. Open mode stream is not code wrapped.

In styled mode, text is accumulated by a style manager into an open paragraph or cell. When the block is completed, all styles are normalized and applied to the containing block as required. For example, if all the content of the style of a paragraph is ‘10pt’, the block will be made ‘10pt’. In style mode, the code is wrapped.

It is important to note that word space in HTML count as any white space. Adding in extra spaces in the stream will be added to the result but will not display as extra space when the document is viewed in the browser.

When using the dword style, basic styles can be set via the used of style bits, these are as follows (note that more items are specified in the SDK but are not supported for this function):

  Definition   Bitwise   Description
  Text Color        
    TA_CI_BLACK   0x00000000   Black #000000 (default)
    TA_CI_AQUA   0x00000001   Aqua #00FFFF
    TA_CI_BLUE   0x00000002   Blue #0000FF
    TA_CI_FUCHSIA   0x00000003   Fuchsia #FF00FF
    TA_CI_GRAY   0x00000004   Gray #808080
    TA_CI_GREEN   0x00000005   Green #008000
    TA_CI_LIME   0x00000006   Lime #00FF00
    TA_CI_MAROON   0x00000007   Maroon #800000
    TA_CI_NAVY   0x00000008   Navy #000080
    TA_CI_OLIVE   0x00000009   Olive #808000
    TA_CI_PURPLE   0x0000000A   Purple #800080
    TA_CI_RED   0x0000000B   Red #FF0000
    TA_CI_SILVER   0x0000000C   Silver #C0C0C0
    TA_CI_TEAL   0x0000000D   Teal #008080
    TA_CI_WHITE   0x0000000E   White #FFFFFF
    TA_CI_YELLOW   0x0000000F   Yellow #FFFF00
  Font State Styles      
    TA_BOLD   0x00000020   Bold
    TA_ITALIC   0x00000040   Italic
    TA_BOLD_ITALIC   0x00000060   Bold Italic
  Underlines (3 bits)        
    TA_UL_SINGLE   0x00000100   Single Underline
    TA_UL_OVERLINE   0x00000700   Overline Line Type
  Line Through (2 bits)      
    TA_LT_SINGLE   0x00000800   Single Line Strikethrough
  Text Case Adjustment        
    TA_TC_CAPITALIZE   0x00002000   Capitalize
    TA_TC_UPPER   0x00004000   All Caps
    TA_TC_LOWER   0x00006000   All Lower Case
    TA_TC_SMALL_CAPS   0x00008000   Small Caps
  Vertical/Text Position        
    TA_VP_SUPER   0x00010000   Superscript
    TA_VP_SUB   0x00020000   Subscript


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Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic