GoFiler Complete

GoFiler Script Reference


Legato v 1.1a

Application v 4.19aa



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

HTMLColumnSetWidths Function‡


The HTMLColumnSetWidths function sets all the widths for the columns in a managed table.



int = HTMLColumnSetWidths ( handle hObject, pvalue widths[] );



A handle to an HTML Writer Object.


A pvalue (dword) array specifying the width as a measurement for each column. See PVALUE Data Type in SGML.

Return Value

An int as a ERROR_NONE (0) for no error or a formatted error code.


Generally if percentages are used as widths, each column should have a percent and all percents should add to 100%. For other measurements, the overall width of the table will be governed by the specified width. In all cases, the end browser rendering agent will determine the final width of a columns based on the specifications (or lack thereof) and the content of the table column as will as other columns.

Spanned column cannot have width set.

Related Functions