
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

HTMLValidate Function


The HTMLValidate function runs the application level HTML Validator.



int = HTMLValidate ( handle hMTO | string filename, [dword flags], [handle hLog] );



A handle to a Mapped Text Object, or,


A string specifying a fully qualified filename.


An optional dword specifying various check flags.


An optional handle to a Log Object to store the result. If omitted, the default script output log is used. If NULL_HANDLE is specified, a log is not generated. If INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE the default log is used.

Return Value

An int as the number of errors reported or a formatted error code on failure. The extended error message will contain further information on the error.


Both errors and fatal errors count as part of the return value. To retrieve warnings and advisories, the log must be examined.

The bits for the flags parameter are as follows:

  SDK Definition   Bitwise   Description  
  Default DTD (if not specified in source)    
    HTML_VALIDATE_DTD_MASK   0x000000FF   Specified DTD Mask (DTD_DEFAULT_)  
  Option Bits          
    HTML_VALIDATE_UXC_FLAG   0x00000100   Use XML Conventions  
    HTML_VALIDATE_TUN_FLAG   0x00000200   Test Namespace Unique Names  
    HTML_VALIDATE_CCE_FLAG   0x00000400   Check Character Entities  
    HTML_VALIDATE_WCN_FLAG   0x00000800   W3C Compliant Names  
    HTML_VALIDATE_CTN_FLAG   0x00001000   Check Tag Nesting  
    HTML_VALIDATE_UFN_FLAG   0x00002000   Warn Uncommon Font on Names  
    HTML_VALIDATE_TEL_FLAG   0x00004000   Text External URL Links  
    HTML_VALIDATE_WOD_FLAG   0x00008000   Warn of Obsolete/Deprecated Items  
    HTML_VALIDATE_VQC_MODE   0x00010000   Value Quote Mode  
    HTML_VALIDATE_CSS_FLAG   0x00020000   Check CSS Conflicts  
    HTML_VALIDATE_XES_FLAG   0x00040000   XML Empty Element Space Test  
    HTML_VALIDATE_BPC_FLAG   0x00080000   Best Practices Check Flag  
    HTML_VALIDATE_SFC_FLAG   0x00100000   Symbol Font Check Flag  
  Legato Control         
    HTML_VALIDATE_PROGRESS   0x00800000   Pass Progress Display Into Function   
  Calling Flags          
    HTML_VALIDATE_NO_HEADING   0x01000000   No Heading Allowed  
    HTML_VALIDATE_NO_CHAR_NAMES   0x02000000   No Character Names Allowed  
    HTML_VALIDATE_FORCE_XML   0x04000000   Force XML Checking  
    HTML_VALIDATE_NO_OBJECTS   0x08000000   Do Not Allow Objects  
  EDGAR Specific          
    HTML_VALIDATE_XBRL_HTML   0x10000000   Force XBRL EAL  
    HTML_VALIDATE_XBRL_HTML_FO   0x20000000   Force XBRL EAL (Fatal Only)  


The method and type of testing is set by the file, caller flags and options. Base options are set as follows:

Application Options — These are set in the preferences.

Override Options — Setting any options above or a DTD (DTD_DEFAULT_) resets all options and applies the specified bits as part of the flags parameter..

Specified DTD as iXBRL — Will set the following options:

Set – Use XML Conventions
Set – Test Namespace Unique Names
Set – Check Character Entities
Set – W3C Compliant Names
Set – Check Tag Nesting
Set – Value Quote Mode to XHTML

Calling Flags — If specified, calling flags will override certain options. Force XML Checking will change the following options:

Reset – Display All Errors
Set – Use XML Conventions
Set – Check Tag Nesting
Reset – Don't Care About < /> Spacing

If calling flags are set for Force XBRL HTML:

Set – W3C Compliant Names

Source DTD — A source DTD or schema will override various options.

Initial options can be overridden by a DTD or schema specified in the source file. Also, calling flags will override options. For example, setting HV_EC_FLAG_FORCE_XML will override any conflicting settings. Setting any of the validation option bits or setting the DTD will automatically reset the initial state of all option bits. If no option bits are set, then the application settings are employed.

Progress class is inherited from the script.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE