
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

11.19 XDX Support Information 

11.19.1 Engram Types

Engrams are normally stored in the ID attribute of HTML tags but may also be stored in comment fields. The following table specifies the engram types.

  Defined Term   Code   Description  
  Report Control          
    XDX_CONTROL   0x00   (reserved for control)  
    XDX_XDX_VERSION   0x01   XDX Version  
    XDX_TAXONOMY   0x02   Taxonomy Data  
    XDX_NAMESPACE   0x03   Namespace Data  
    XDX_REPORT_PERIOD   0x04   Report Period  
    XDX_DEI_FACT   0x05   Miscellaneous DEI Fact  
    XDX_UNIT_DEFINE   0x06   Unit Define  
    XDX_LINK   0x07   XDX Link  
    XDX_EMBED   0x08   XDX Embedded Data  
  Context Control          
    XDX_RISK_DATE   0x10   (reserved for control)  
    XDX_DIMENSION_APPLY   0x11   Apply Dimension to everything  
  Presentation Control        
    XDX_STRUCT_ROOT   0x20   Set Root Element  
    XDX_STRUCT_TABLE   0x21   Set Root Table Element  
    XDX_STRUCT_LINEITEMS   0x22   Set Root Line Items Element  
    XDX_BLOCK_EXCLUDE   0x23   Set Exclude Block  
  Standard Presentation          
    XDX_PRESENTATION   0x30   Presentation Data  
  Tables (Statements, Details)          
    XDX_TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT   0x40   Row Element Data  
    XDX_TABLE_ROW_CONTEXT   0x41   Row Default Context  
    XDX_TABLE_ROW_LABEL   0x42   Stub Data (if different that 1)  
    XDX_TABLE_ROW_DATE   0x43   Row Date (can have element too)  
    XDX_TABLE_COLUMN_ELEMENT   0x48   Column Element Data  
    XDX_TABLE_COLUMN_CONTEXT   0x49   Column Default Context  
    XDX_TABLE_COLUMN_LABEL   0x4A   Column Label  
    XDX_TABLE_COLUMN_DIMENSION   0x4B   Column Dimension  
  Level 1          
    XDX_NOTE_L1_BLOCK   0x80   Notes Data (begin)  
    XDX_NOTE_L1_BLOCK_END   0x81   Notes Data (end)  
    XDX_NOTE_L1_LABEL   0x82   Label (if not inclosed on block)  
  Level 2          
    XDX_NOTE_L2_BLOCK   0x84   Notes Data (begin)  
    XDX_NOTE_L2_BLOCK_END   0x85   Notes Data (end)  
    XDX_NOTE_L2_LABEL   0x86   Label (if not inclosed on block)  
  Level 3          
    XDX_NOTE_L3_TABLE   0x88   Notes Data (table only)  
    XDX_NOTE_L3_BLOCK   0x89   Notes Data (block start)  
    XDX_NOTE_L3_BLOCK_END   0x8A   Notes Data (end)  
    XDX_NOTE_L3_LABEL   0x8B   Label (if not inclosed on block)  
  Loose Facts/Detail        
    XDX_INLINE_FACT   0x90   Fact Data  
    XDX_INLINE_LABEL   0x91   Inline Label  
    XDX_BLOCK_FACT   0x98   Fact Data  
  Risk Return        
    XDX_RISK_SERIES   0xA0   Prospectus Summary (begin)  
    XDX_RISK_SERIES_END   0xA1   Prospectus Summary (end)  
    XDX_RISK_SERIES_LABEL   0xA2   Label (if not inclosed on block)  
    XDX_RISK_TABLE   0xA5   Table (resets presentation state)  
    XDX_RISK_BLOCK   0xA8   Text Data (begin)  
    XDX_RISK_BLOCK_END   0xA9   Text Data (end)  
    XDX_DATA_SHEET_REF   0xB0   Data Sheet Reference  
    XDX_GROUPING_PART   0xC0   Part of a Group  
    XDX_FOOTNOTE_FID   0xF0   ID Definition (ie., (1))  
    XDX_FOOTNOTE_TEXT   0xF1   Text (must follow FID)  
    XDX_FOOTNOTE_REF   0xF2   Loose Reference/Cell (by FIDs)  
    XDX_FOOTNOTE_REF_ROW   0xF4   Row Reference (by FIDs)  
    XDX_FOOTNOTE_REF_COLUMN   0xF5   Column Reference (by FIDs)  
    XDX_FOOTNOTE_REF_TABLE   0xF6   Table Reference (by FIDs)  
    XDX_INLINE_END   0xFF   Indicates Inline End (directive)  


11.19.2 Engram Properties

Each engram type requires zero or more properties. For example, a row engram requires an element and row parameters. See the XDX HTML Specification for complete information,

  Key Name      
  Verbose   Terse/Prefix   Description  
  precision   p  

Precision — Parameter is in the form of:


The display of facts is also controlled by precision and scale. These values are not relevant to text blocks but are quite important to numeric values.

  context   c  

Context — This parameter describes a context. The value is in the form:


Dates are in the format of:


where Y is the year, M is the month and D is the day.

  display   d  

Display Type — This parameter describes how the written value should be interpreted when creating a fact or how the fact should be written into the document. The value is in the form:


  element   e  

Element — This parameter describes an element. The value is the name of the element exactly as it appears in the taxonomy.

Since the ‘:’ character is not allowed for ID HTML property it should be replaced with the ‘--’ character sequence. The namespace for the element is not required but recommended.

When using an extension element the namespace should be “custom” as the XDX processor will automatically select the correct namespace for the extension.

  row   i  

Element Presentation Information — This parameter describes how the element label role is determined.

The value is in the form:


  ignore   z   Ignore (make id unique)  
  calculation   m  

Calculation — This parameter describes part of a calculation. Any engram that uses an element parameter can have a calculation parameter.

The calculation parameter describes how the element fits into a calculation. The value is in the form:


  unit   u   Unit — This parameter describes an unit. The value is the name of the unit exactly as it appears in the unit list.  
  footnote   f   Footnote References — This parameter describes footnote references. The value is the string of references for the item base 64 encoded. Certain characters are then translated into acceptable characters. The underscore ‘_’ becomes equals ‘=’, period ‘.’ becomes plus ‘+’, and minus ‘-’ becomes forward slash ‘/’.  
  partial_dimension   h   Partial Dimension  
  grouping   g  

Grouping Info — This parameter describes part of a continuation. Any engram with this parameter has additional content that is tagged elsewhere in the document using the XDX_GROUPING_PART engram type.

The properties of this parameter are as follows:




Note that as these properties are added to the engram, the prefix codes are automatically added.

The properties string consists of a series of named keys for each item.