
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

11.20.12 Instance — Footnotes

The following key name are use as list entries or as table columns:

  Key Name   Description/Comment  
  Footnote Record:      
    position   The position in the fact array. (not part of data set)  
  Footnote Info:    
    label   Label (Unique ID for footnote) as specified by XBRL 2.1.  
    language   Language as specified by XML.  
    text   Actual text of footnote. May contain HTML or text including return characters.  
    html_flag   If the content namespace is set to XHTML, this flag is set to TRUE. The text is then expected to contain HTML code.  
  Position (not always set):      
    f_sx†   Position in source file.  
    f_sy†   Position in source file.  
    ref_cnt   Number of footnote references.  


† This value is not presented in terse mode. 

Footnote labels are associated with facts via a locator and footnote arc. The label is a unique parameter used to access the footnote. Footnote labels are not the same a presentation/concept labels and roles.

When an instance is loaded, the footnote information is loaded as three parts: locators, arcs and footnotes. With XBRL, the locator is the central focus as it references facts via an href URI using the id attribute within the XML versions of the instance. The locator then uses a label to reference one or more arc via label, which is used on both the locator and the footnote data. The arc is the item that use to/from to link the a locator to one or more footnotes. The locator in turn references the fact.


Page revised 2024-08-19