
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter SeventeenApplication Integration Functions (continued)

MenuEnumerateFunctions Function


The MenuEnumerateFunctions function retrieves the properties for all defined menu functions.



string[][] = MenuEnumerateFunctions ( );




Return Value

Returns a string table with items by function with key names for each column or an empty array on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve error information.


The column key names are as follows:

  Key Name   Description  
  FunctionID   Numerical function ID.  
  FunctionCode   Function code.  
  PassToCode   Hexadecimal string. Reserved.  

Hexadecimal string. Specifies various behaviors and availability:

MF_DOCK_COMMAND   0x00010000   Dock has priority
MF_BOLD_COMMAND   0x00020000   Bold Command
MF_VOLATILE_NAME  0x00040000   Name is Volatile
MF_DEV_COMMAND    0x00100000   Command is Developer
MF_OBS_COMMAND    0x00200000   Command is Obsolete
MF_POP_COMMAND    0x00400000   Command is only on Popups
MF_SUB_COMMAND    0x00800000   Command is Submenu
MF_COMMON_COMMAND 0x01000000   Command is Common 

  KeyCode   Hexadecimal string. Reserved.  
  KeyFlags   Hexadecimal string. Reserved.  
  RibbonShortcut   Key for function for ribbon Alt+ key sequence. Can be 0 to 3 characters.  
  QuickKey   If a programmable quick key has been mapped, the ticked of the quick key is placed here.  
  PopupHandle   Hexadecimal string. Reserved.  

A string of optional enable/disable codes:

A   Any State (always enabled)
B   Clipboard Available
C   File Changed (edit actions set)
D   Always Disabled
E   Edit Window (any edit class)
F   Find Data Available
P   Popup Menu (non-enable, marker)
R   Redo Available
S   Selected Text
U   Undo Available
W   Any Window
X   Exception (calls back) 

  FunctionClass   Function or ribbon class, for grouping. For quick key functions, a code indicating: “M” mapped; “R” reserved, “-” not mapped.  
  MenuEntryText   Popup menu entry text. The entry can have a & to mark an underline key position. The menu text may or may not have a quick key attached. For quick key functions, this field contains the reserved function code, i.e., the code associated with the key.  
  Ribbon   Text that appears with icon in the ribbon. Display style depends on the ribbon data files.  
  ShortDescription   Short description. Not populated for all functions. “[TBD]” appears if the function is not complete within the application’s code. For quick key functions, this field contains the text of the quick key combination.  
  LongDescription   The description that appears in popup tips or in the status bar. The text may or may not have quick key text.  
  BitmapName   Name of bitmap for icon(s).  
  SmallIconHandle   Hexadecimal string of handle, if loaded.  
  LargeIconHandle   Hexadecimal string of handle, if loaded.  
  SmallIconGrayedHandle   Hexadecimal string of handle, if created.  
  LargeIconGrayedHandle   Hexadecimal string of handle, if created.  


This function will enumerate the entire library of functions. Note that not all defined functions are actually features in the application. For example, most quick keys are mapped to functions for cross referencing. These will also be enumerated.

The enumeration may contain undocumented functions that are in beta release, prototyped or under construction.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic