
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter EighteenDataView Integration (continued)

DataViewSetEditFlags Function


The DataViewSetEditFlags function allows certain editing flags to be retrieved or set..



dword = DataViewSetEditFlags ( handle hView, [dword flags] );



A handle to either a Data View Object or to a window that employs Data View.


An optional dword specifying various edit flags for the view.

Return Value

Returns a dword containing the currently set flags. Use the IsError and IsNotError functions to determine if an error occurred Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code.


Flags are defined in the SDK.

  Definition   Bitwise   Description  
    DC_DIALOG_CONTROL_FRAME   0x00000100   Item is Control with Thin Border  
    DC_HIGHLIGHTING_RECT   0x00000200   Highlight Box Enabled (non-focus)  
    DC_EDITING_FLAGS_MASK   0x00FFFC00   These Flags May Be Changed by Caller  
    DC_DISPLAY_EDIT   0x00000400   Display Edit Data  
    DC_BACKGROUND_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED   0x00000800   Display Cell Background Highlighting  
  Template and Edit Mode          
    DC_TEMPLATE_MODE   0x00001000   Operating in Template Mode  
    DC_TEMPLATE_LOCAL_EDIT_MASK   0x00006000   Local Editing  
    DC_TEMPLATE_LOCAL_EDIT   0x00002000   Local Editing (on demand)  
    DC_TEMPLATE_LOCAL_EDIT_AUTO   0x00004000   Local Editing (auto)  
    DC_TEMPLATE_LOCAL_EDIT_STATUS   0x00008000   Display Local Edit Status Bar  
   Edit Flags          
    DC_TEMPLATE_LOCAL_EDIT_OVERWRITE   0x00010000   Local Editing Overwite (auto delete)  
    DC_TEMPLATE_LOCAL_EDIT_SELECT_ALL   0x00020000   Local Editing Selects All  
    DC_TEMPLATE_BUTTONS_OFF   0x00040000   Buttons Do Not Operate  
    DC_TEMPLATE_EDIT_CONTROL_BORDER   0x00080000   Add a Border to On Sheet Edit  
    DC_AUTOKEY_SELECT   0x00100000   Autokey Sort and Select  
    DC_DRAG_ON   0x00200000   Drag and Drop On  
    DC_RULERS_DISPLAY_FLAT   0x00400000   Column and Row as Flat Style  
    DC_WINDOW_UPDATE_OUTSTANDING   0x01000000   Invalidate Window Outstanding  
    DC_DIRTY_UPDATE_OUTSTANDING   0x02000000   Dirty Update Outstanding  
    DC_DIRTY_OBJECTS_OUTSTANDING   0x04000000   Dirty Objects Outstanding  
    DC_FIXED_SIZE_CELLS   0x08000000   No Measuring of Cells  
    DC_OVERRIDE_PROTECT   0x80000000   Protect and Read-Only Override  


Only flags in the DC_EDITING_FLAGS_MASK mask can be changed.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL