
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter EighteenDataView Integration (continued)



The on_menu_init event is called at the start of a ribbon update or during a popup menu display. The event allows the script to indicate which menu items are available by setting and returning certain context bits.



qword on_menu_init ( int row, int column, int count, int clue ) { ... }



An int as the current row position of the caret.


An int as the current column position of the caret.


An int expressing the number of selected items (cells).


An int expressing the type of selection.

Return Value

A 64-bit qword expressing bitwise the current available contexts for the ribbon or menu. The qword specifying the available functions should be created by using bitwise logic. The script should OR in the available functions. If 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (or -1) is returned, all functions will be made available. See DV_ and FV_ context codes.


This function is called by Data View or Forms View any time the ribbon or menu requires updating. If processed, the script can make a determination as to what menu functions are available or disabled (grayed). This function should be very fast and avoid running time consuming in depth testing since it will be called every time the caret is mouse, the mouse is dragged or clicked or a popup menu is displayed.

At all costs, avoid displaying message boxes or dialogs within this event. It will result in an endless loop since each time the message box is closed the ribbon will be reinitialized and the event called again and again and again...

The return bits are as follows (set enables function):

  Definition   Semaphore Bit   Description  
    FV_EDIT_COPY   0x0000000000000001   Copy Data  
    FV_EDIT_PASTE   0x0000000000000002   Paste Data  
  File Items          
    FV_FILE_EXPORT_POPUP   0x0000000000000010   File Export Popup  
    FV_FILE_EXPORT   0x0000000000000020   File Export  
    FV_FILE_IMPORT_POPUP   0x0000000000000040   File Import Popup  
    FV_FILE_IMPORT   0x0000000000000080   File Import  
    FV_FILE_LAUNCH   0x0000000000000100   File Launch to Browser  
    FV_FILE_PRINT   0x0000000000000200   File Print/PDF  
    FV_FILE_SAVE   0x0000000000000400   File Save  
  Data View Menu Items          
    FV_DATA_EDIT_CELL   0x0000000000001000   Edit Cell in Custom View  
    FV_DATA_EDIT_CELL_TEXT   0x0000000000002000   Edit Cell as Text  
  Forms View Items          
    FV_FORM_ADD_ENTRY   0x0000000000010000   Form Add Entry Function  
    FV_FORM_CLONE_ENTRY   0x0000000000020000   Form Clone Entry Function  
    FV_FORM_COPY_POPUP   0x0000000000040000   Form Copy Popup Menu Function  
    FV_FORM_COPY_CELL   0x0000000000080000   Form Copy Cell  
    FV_FORM_COPY_ROW   0x0000000000100000   Form Copy Table Row  
    FV_FORM_COPY_TABLE   0x0000000000200000   Form Copy Table  
    FV_FORM_DELETE_POPUP   0x0000000000400000   Form Delete Popup  
    FV_FORM_DELETE_ALL   0x0000000000800000   Form Delete All  
    FV_FORM_DELETE_ENTRY   0x0000000001000000   Form Delete Entry  
    FV_FORM_EDIT_ENTRY   0x0000000002000000   Form Edit Entry  
    FV_FORM_EDIT_ROW   0x0000000004000000   Form Edit Row as Entry  
    FV_FORM_EXPORT_TABLE_CSV   0x0000000008000000   Form Export Table as CSV  
    FV_FORM_EXPORT_TABLE_XML   0x0000000010000000   Form Export Table as XML  
    FV_FORM_MOVE_DOWN   0x0000000020000000   Form Move Entry Down  
    FV_FORM_MOVE_UP   0x0000000040000000   Form Move Entry Up  
    FV_FORM_VALIDATE   0x0000000800000000   Form Validate  


Note that if a function is disabled on the menu it does not mean that the function cannot be executed. It is up to the script to test the context of each function.

Certain functions such as FILE_LAUNCH or FILE_PRINT are enabled automatically if a hook is present for the function.

Page revised 2024-08-19