
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter Twenty-twoConversion Functions

22.1 Conversion Interface

22.1.1 Overview

The conversion interface allows direct access to the powerful translate module functions of the application. Not all translate function are available in all products.

This section describes the functions that can be directly called to perform various file conversions.

In addition, translate functions can be added via a hook. This allows for specific conversion ‘filters’ to be created and added to the application.

Use of the conversion in no way abrogates the per workstation licensing requirements of application or its components. Use of the conversion SDK functions serving commercial production services, web services or large scale filing is prohibited under the standard license agreement unless covered by a separate and specific license agreement.

22.1.2 Conversion Options and Parameters

Options can be set during a conversion. If not set, the current options or the options set permanently for the application will be used. Note that the default value assumes the application preferences have not been altered. See the application’s reference manual for more information on each option as they are described in the application preferences section.

HTML to HTML conversion options (applies to MS Word, Excel, or any HTML conversion):

  Property Name   Default
    Defaults     Resets to default  
    ConversionName     Specifies a conversion filter name. If a name is not specified, the default is selected based on the incoming file types.  
    IncludeHTMLHeader   FALSE   Include HTML Header  
    AssumeUTF-8   FALSE   Assume UTF-8  
    TranslateFontNames   TRUE   Translate Font Names  
    CSSPaletteToInline   TRUE   CSS Palette to Inline  
    ProcessBackgroundColors   TRUE   Process Background Colors  
    ProcessBackgroundImages   FALSE   Process Background Images‡  
    ImportPictureData   TRUE   Import Picture Data  
    ImageSubPath     Image Sub Path  
    ImageBaseFilename   image_001   Image Base Sequential Name Filename  
    UseMSOSourceImage   FALSE   Use MSO Source Image  
    RevisionMode   HTH_REV_REMOVE   Revision Mode (must be supplied as numeric)  
    DeltaViewRevisions   HTH_DVR_REMOVE   DeltaView Revisions (must be supplied as numeric)  
    RemoveNegativeMargins   TRUE   Remove Negative Margins  
    RemoveAllStyleData   FALSE   Remove All Style Data  
    RemoveCellHeight   TRUE   Remove Cell Height  
    RemoveCellPadding   FALSE   Remove Cell Padding  
    RemovePageBreaks   FALSE   Remove Page Breaks  
    AddSoftPageBreaks   TRUE   Add Soft Page Breaks (DOCX only)  
    RemoveLetterWordSpacing   FALSE   Remove Letter/Word Spacing  
    RemoveLineHeightSpacing   FALSE   Remove Line Height Spacing  
    FillEmptyCells   TRUE   Fill Empty Cells  
    TableWidthsAsPercentages   TRUE   Table Widths as Percentages  
    ConvertHangsToTables   TRUE   Convert Hangs to Tables  
    ConvertListsToTables   TRUE   Convert Lists to Tables  
    RightAlignFinancialCells   TRUE   Right Align Financial Cells  
    ParaSpacingMode   HTH_PSA_AS_IS   Para Spacing Mode (must be supplied as numeric)  
    ParaSpacingValue   6pt   Para Spacing Value (must be supplied as pvalue)  
    RemoveBlankParagraphs   FALSE   Remove Blank Paragraphs  
  HTML Data          
    DefaultDTD   --   Hex value of the DTD code from the SDK such as 0x00000030 for DTD_DEFAULT_HTML_50. The default is HTML 3.2 with CSS. When blank or zero, a !DOCTYPE is not added.  
    ImportIDNames   FALSE   Import ID Names  
    ImportAnchorNames   FALSE   Import Anchor Names  
    ImportHyperlinks   FALSE   Import Hyperlinks  
    ImportTitle   FALSE   Import Title  
  Style Data          
    FontSizeRangeFlag   FALSE   Font Size Range Flag  
    SizeRangeTable   (n/a)   Size Range Table‡  
    DefaultFontName   --   Default Font Name  
  Native Mode          
    SelectedAreaOnly   TRUE   Selected Area Only  
  Property Name   Default
    Defaults     Resets to default  
    AddPageBreaks   TRUE   Added page break fields between slides/pages.  
    IncludeHTMLHeader   TRUE   Include HTML header.  
    DefaultDTD   --   Hex value of the DTD code from the SDK such as 0x00000030 for DTD_DEFAULT_HTML_50. The default is HTML 3.2 with CSS. When blank or zero, a !DOCTYPE is not added.  
    CreateImages   TRUE   Meta data is rendered to an image and inserted into the output.  
    ImageType   FT_JPEG   Hex value for the image file type. JPEG, GIF and PNG are supported. (PNG is not supported for EDGAR.)  
    ImageSubPath   --   Sub path below the base path of the destination. (Not supported for EDGAR.)  
    ImageBaseFilename   image_001   Image Base Sequential Name Filename  
    ImageWidth   600   Default width in pixels.  
    ImageQuality   75   Image quality for JPEG images.  
    UsePowerPointJPEG   FALSE   When set to TRUE, it is expected that JPEG images already exist for the Meta file.  
    CreateText   TRUE   Meta data is rendered to simple text.  
    TextPosition   0   Position of text: 0 – after image, 1 – before image.  
    TextDisplayMode   0   Text display mode 0 – by color, 1 – display none.  
    TextFontSize   1pt   Text size.  
    TextFontColor   White   Text color.  
    TextFontFamily   --   Font family or name.  


22.1.3 Functions