
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter Twenty-twoConversion Functions (continued)

TranslateSetPreProcessHook Function


The TranslateSetPreProcessHook function sets a hook for pre processing on an import function.



int = TranslateSetPreProcessHook ( string script, string function );



An optional string that specifies the script that will service the translate. If empty, the script name from the script executing the function is used.


A string specifying the name of the entry function for translation. If the script and function strings are empty, the hook is reset.

Return Value

An int as ERROR_NONE (0) or a formatted error code on failure.


A pre process hook can be used to perform refining or other functions prior to translation. The pre process does not presently run on Paste Special operations.

The script is run “cold” each time and as such, any variables set from execution to execution are discarded. Use the session data functions to store intermediate data. See section Section 4.15 Session Data for additional information.

This function allows the import and translate function to be extended or even replaced by pre processing. An example of adding a hook:

TranslateSetPreProcessHook("", "import_adjust");

Note that the script name parameter is an empty, thus the hook script is the source for the specified connection. The hook is normally defined during application startup. See Section 17.2 Application Startup for more information.

The script parameter is tested for existence on setting the hook. The function parameter is not tested. Neither the script’s syntax or functionality is tested while setting the hook. On hook execution, a script error will be added to the log and the script hook will be removed.

The hook entry point in the script must match the following template:

string pre_process_hook (string xl_type, string xl_src, string xl_dst,
xl_dst_base, dword xl_flags, string xl_options);



A string contain the name of the conversion performed.


A string containing a fully qualified source file. It can be a URI. The source should be used for reference purposes as it specifies the data that has already been converted.


A string containing a fully qualified destination file. The file can be in the application (user’s) temporary area. This is the file that can be opened and manipulated during the post process. In some cases, the destination can be empty. If the destination is not resolved within the hook, the user will be queried prior to translation.


A string containing a the base path for the destination. If image or other companion files must be created, they should be placed in this folder.


A dword specifying various control bits.


A string in the form of parameter: value pairs that may be passed with data from the API or other source and can be used by the script to set various options. These are override values from the default settings.

The xl_flags parameter tells the hook about the context and requested operations. These are bitwise items specified as follows:

  Definition   Bitwise   Comment/Description  
  Shares with Options Settings        
    XL_GLOBAL_FLAGS_MASK   0xFFFF0000   Global Import/Translate Options  
    XL_MODULE_FLAGS_MASK   0x0000FFFF   Reserved Import/Translate Options  
    XL_SUB_TYPE_MASK   0x0000000F   Sub Type of Conversion for Module  
  General Flags        
    XL_QUIET   0x00010000   Do Not Display Messages  
    XL_PSG_FORMAT   0x00020000   Output in PSG Format (if possible)  
    XL_NO_NEW_LINES   0x00040000   Output With 0x0D (not 0x0D/0x0A)  
    XL_WANT_LOG   0x00080000   Output Errors to Translate Log  
    XL_CONVERT_AS_INSERT   0x00100000   Treat as Inserting  
    XL_MULTI_IMPORT   0x00200000   Importing Multiple Sheets  
    XL_SOURCED_FROM_CLIPBOARD   0x00400000   Sourced from Clipboard  
  Multiple Files        
    XL_GROUP_IMPORT_MODE_MASK   0x03000000   Multiple File Mode (if supported)  
    XL_GROUP_IMPORT_SINGLE   0x00000000   Import Single File  
    XL_GROUP_IMPORT_MULTIPLE   0x01000000   Automatically Import Multiple  
    XL_GROUP_IMPORT_QUERY   0x02000000   Query if Multiple  


The default log for the script is imported back into the caller to the hook and then included into the Information View window.

The XL_SOURCED_FROM_CLIPBOARD flag will indicate whether the source data was retrieved from the clipboard. If the XL_QUIET, the hook should not display message boxes or dialog boxes.

A string is returned with optional override parameters. If a parameter is not placed in the array, the existing internal value is used. The parameter names are as follows:

  Return Parameter Name   Description  
  Source   If present, the source filename is replaced with this name.  
  Destination   If present, the destination filename is replaced with this name. If the incoming name is empty or an empty string is returned, the user will be queried regarding the destination.  
  TranslateType   Replacement translate code or index. If not adjusted and the in/out format codes remain unspecified, the existing index passed as the xl_type incoming parameter value will be employed.  
  InFormat   Adjusted input file type as code or value in hex. If a format is provided without a TranslateType, the translate processor will reevaluate which translate module to employ.  
  OutFormat   Adjusted input file type as code or value in hex. If a format is provided without a TranslateType, the translate processor will reevaluate which translate module to employ.  
  View   A destination view index, if appropriate.  
  Flags   Replacement for xl_flags.  
  ResultCode   Returned error code. Setting a formatted error code will abort the translation process. Setting this to any value will cause the translate to stop.  


The ResultCode can be set to the value or string “ERROR_NONE” if the preprocess wants to terminate the process as if no error occurred. Other errors can also be returned in the ResultCode field which will be passed back up the calling chain.

The script should perform its own cleanup.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoXBRL