
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Appendix C — Menu Function Parameters

Note that all menu functions can be called from the script. This section lists specific parameters that can be passed for specific functions. Some menu functions are also available as SDK functions, for example the ConvertFile SDK function supports the FILE_IMPORT_TO_FILE menu function.

General Notes


1.  Items that are TRUE/FALSE look for a true condition only as any loose true string such as ‘true’, ‘yes’, ‘y’, ‘x’ ... all other values are treated as FALSE.

2.  Add functions may be run even if not documented. Some undocumented functions will support basic parameters and return values.

3.  Filenames are encoded as UTF-8.

General Parameters Items


These items apply to general classes of functions.


  Silent boolean For any process that can create an Information View Log, this option will quash the display of the summary dialog/message box at the end of the process. It will also force many functions not to display dialogs, message boxes on errors or other notifications.
  NoInfoView boolean If set to TRUE, YES or 1, will cause many functions to not to create an Information View log. Rather, these functions will place data in the global log class.
  NoQuery boolean If set to TRUE, YES or 1, will cause many functions to not query for information. In addition, this will usually set the Silent optional as well.


Standard Response Codes

  InfoViewTab handle (hex) If an Information View log tab was created.
  InfoMessages int Number of information messages, if an Information View log tab was created and the value is non-zero.
  AdvisoryMessages int Number of advisory messages, if an Information View log tab was created and the value is non-zero.
  WarningMessages int Number of warning messages, if an Information View log tab was created and the value is non-zero.
  ErrorMessages int Number of error messages, if an Information View log tab was created and the value is non-zero.
  FatalMessages int Number of fatal error messages, if an Information View log tab was created and the value is non-zero.
  StringMessages int Number of simple string messages, if an Information View log tab was created and the value is non-zero.
  TotalMessages int Number of messages, if an Information View log tab was created.
  ExpandedError string Some functions will explain a returned error.

Document functions



Deletes the include-text field at the current caret position. NoQuery and Silent parameters apply.


  DeleteContent boolean When true, deletes the field codes and the content.
  DeleteFile boolean When true, recycles or deletes that associated source file. The function will not delete associated images


Additional Responses

  FieldsProcessed int Number of fields deleted (always 1).
  DeleteFileErrors int Number of files that could not be deleted.



Deletes all include-text fields in the document. NoQuery and Silent parameters apply.


  DeleteContent boolean When true, deletes the field codes and the content.
  DeleteFile boolean When true, recycles or deletes that associated source file. The function will not delete associated images


Additional Responses

  FieldsProcessed int Number of fields deleted.
  DeleteFileErrors int Number of files that could not be deleted.



Updates fields within the specified or current document.


  UpdateAll boolean Sets all option on. The default is off. Other options can be used to turn off specific switches.
  LoadVariables boolean Load Variables
  IncludeText boolean Update Include-Text
  ForceUpdate boolean Update Include-Text (force even if file date and time has not changed)
  PageNumbers boolean Update Page Numbers (page fields are not updated)
  SequenceNumbers boolean Update Sequence Numbers
  Inserts boolean Update Named/Insert Fields
  CrossLinks boolean Update Cross Links
  AutoToC boolean Update Table of Contents
  AutoIndex boolean Update Index


Additional Responses

  FieldsProcessed int Number of fields updated.
  ProcessingErrors int Number of processing errors. The log can also be examined for the details of the errors.

EDGAR Functions



Use extreme caution when testing, and if possible, employ a training agent login CIK to avoid an accidental live filing.


  NoFollowUp boolean Indicates not to present follow up information message box after the file has been submitted.
  NoQuery boolean Does not present the pre-submission warning or errors.
  Silent boolean Suppresses all message boxes, including errors, except query confirmation. Progress display is also suppressed.

Additional Response

  AccessionNumber string Accession number received from the EDGAR System.
  BeginTime string Time (from computer) of start of POST operation in ISO-8601 (UTC).
  CompleteTime string Time (from computer) of end of POST operation in ISO-8601 (UTC).
  FormType string Form type of the filing.
  PrimaryCIK string CIK of primary registrant.
  AgentCIK string CIK of the EDGAR login session.
  NSS boolean True (1) if filed with NSS. Note that all fields will be available and it also may not be delayed. AccessionNumer field is not available unless the user waited for the filing to complete.
  File string Name of the file submitted (GFP or XML).
  LiveFiling boolean True (1) is live filing.
  ValidatedOK boolean True (1) if the file had been validated OK prior to submission.
  ScheduledTimeUTC string ISO-8601 date at which the filing is scheduled for filing via NSS.
  InfoViewTab handle (hex) If an Information View log tab was created.



Any EDGAR XML, or normal EDGAR or NSS filing.

Edit Functions



Runs the Find in File menu function with or without associated query dialog or resulting information view. If the ‘NoQuery’ option is set to True, the ‘SearchText’ and ‘Folder’ are required fields.


  SearchText string Specifies the string to search for with certain escape values matching the application documentation for the function.
  WholeWordsOnly boolean Sets the Match Whole Words Only option.
  MatchTextCase boolean Sets the Match Text Case option.
  WordSpacesAsSpaces boolean Sets the All Spaces Like Word Spaces option.
  SearchHTMLAsCode boolean Sets the Search HTML Code Like Text option.
  LookWhere string A string specifying one of three modes: Project, Folder or Folders. The default is ‘Folder’.
  Folder string Sets the root folder to search. Required for ‘Folder’ and ‘Folders’ options.
  Types string Specifies the wild card matching string. Multiple wild card matches are allowed as separated by a semicolon. The default is *.*.
  IncludeHiddenFiles boolean Sets the Include Hidden Files and Folders option.
  IncludeSystemFiles boolean Sets the Include System Files option.


Additional Responses

  RequestedOptions string Returns a descriptive string for each option as separated by commans.
  MatchCount string Returns the number of matches.
  GlobalLogHandle string A hex representation of the global log handle. This is only returned if the ‘NoInfoView’ option is enabled.

File Functions



Closes the specified view.


  ForceClose boolean If true, any changes to the file are abandoned without query.
  NoFileHistory boolean File close action will not be placed in file history list. Note that the open action will also place files in the history list.



Results in a posted request for a frame close. If there are open windows or processes, the function may not complete.



Exports HTML from a Page View window. If “NoQuery” is not set to true, the default user settings dialog will be presented.


  ExportTo string Either “clipboard” or “file”. The default is clipboard.
  Destination string If the destination is file, this specifies a filename.
  Optimize string Either “none”, “xbrl” or “word”. Default setting is “word”.
  DTD boolean Not presently supported. The default is HTML 4.0.
  AddHeader boolean Not presently supported. The default setting is “false”.
  RemoveHTMLComments boolean Specifies to remove comments and fields. The default setting is “true”.
  RemoveCSSStyle boolean Not presently supported. The default setting is “false”.
  CollapseTableBorders boolean Specifies to always collapse table borders. The default setting is “true”.
  RemoveRowStriping boolean Specifies to remove table row striping. The default setting is “true”.
  RemoveImagesObjects boolean Removes images and other objects. The default setting is “false”.
  RemoveIDs boolean Removes all ID attributes. Should not be set with XDX IDs to Names. The default setting is “false”.
  XDXIDsToNames boolean Translate XDX engrams to named positions. The default setting is “true”.
  Revisions string Either: “none”, “leave” or “html”.
  PageBreaks string Either: “none”, “remove” or “optimize”.




Import ‘to file’ imports data to a new file or view. Passing a filename will cause the function to skip the user browse and open the file. Only one file may be imported at a time. The Type and View parameters must both be provided to avoid a query regarding the import filter.


  Source string Filename and Path (will query if not present)
  Destination string Filename and Path, or path only for “Special” (will query if not present)
  Type string Conversion filter name. If not present, the query dialog will appear.
  View string The view to open as “TextView”, “CodeView”, “PageView” or “Special”.

Additional Response 

  Source string Source file, user selected or specified.
  Destination string Destination file, user selected or specified.
  Type string Selected filter name.
  View string The selected view type.
  ClientWindow handle (hex) MDI Client window created.
  FirstWindow handle (hex) First edit view created
  PageViewWindow handle (hex) Page View Only — Edit container.
  CodeViewWindow handle (hex) Page View Only — Edit container.



Certain aspects of the file launch or proofing functions can be set or overridden either during the preprocess or by calling the menu function.


Page templates are embedded in the application can be overridden by placing files in the user template paths. They can also be overridden by the following parameters. Each parameter requires a fully qualified filename and path. During the call, if the load fails, an error message is placed in the application log.

  CoverPage string Cover page template. This opens the HTML proof.
  NoCoverPage string If no cover page selected, this is the “no cover page” template. This opens the HTML proof.
  FileHeader string Header for first page.
  PageHeader string Header for subsequent pages.
  HTMLHeading string HTML heading template.


The destination can be controlled with the following parameters:

  Destination string Override destination filename.
  NoLaunch boolean Setting to true stops the resulting file from being sent to the selected browser.
  Target string Specifies a target application. In most cases the target name should contain a path. Note that using the NoLaunch parameter will prevent this parameter from be used.


A number of options can be set or reset. Note that not all options apply to all window types. These correlates with the options dialog for each type of edit window.

  ClearOptions boolean Clears all options listed below.
  AddCoverPage boolean Adds cover page.
  AddFileHeader boolean Adds header to each file.
  AddPageHeader boolean Adds page headers (where page break code appears).
  ShowHTMLRevisions boolean Shows HTML revisions (EDGAR revisions),
  AddSummary boolean Adds summary page.
  HideCCCs boolean Masks EDGAR CCCs.
  HideCIKs boolean Masks EDGAR CIKs.
  HideEDGARTags boolean Hides EDGAR Tags.
  HideOptionalData boolean Applies to certain forms.
  PageBreakBeforeTag boolean Adds page break prior to <PAGE> tag.
  ShowRevisionTags boolean Shows Text Revision tags.
  ShowDeletions boolean Shows deletions (empty <R></R>).
  ShowXBRLDocumentation boolean Adds XBRL documentation as appropriate.
  ShowXBRLCalculations boolean Shows calculation data.
  ShowXBRLActualFacts boolean Shows that unformatted facts data.
  SelectPresentations boolean Presents XBRL presentation selector. If enabled, a dialog will appear allowing presentation select event if NoQuery or Silent options are TRUE.
  Form13FShowZeros boolean Form 13F Information table option.
  Form13FShowFullText boolean Form 13F Information table option.
  ShowRevisionMarkers boolean Shows the revisions as <R></R> markings.
  AddiXBRLMarkers boolean Adds markers around iXBRL facts data.
  EmbedImages boolean Attempts to embed image data for a single file proof.


Additional Response




Creates a new Page View/Code View combination.



Additional Response

  ClientWindow handle (hex) MDI client window handle.
  FirstWindow handle (hex) First tab or view window.
  PageViewWindow handle (hex) Page View Only — Edit container.
  CodeViewWindow handle (hex) Page View Only — Edit container.



Creates a new HTML file based on a template. The file created may be created in Page View or Forms View.


  Template string Name of the template to select.. If provided, the user is note queried for a template. If the template name does not exist, an error is returned. Templates are located in “Templates\html.csv” with the first column being the name.

Additional Response

  Template string Selected template name.
  ClientWindow handle (hex) MDI client window handle.
  FirstWindow† handle (hex) First tab or view window.
  PageViewWindow† handle (hex) Page View Only — Edit container.
  CodeViewWindow† handle (hex) Page View Only — Edit container.


† Page View Only



Creates a new simple project. This function is not enabled on EDGAR products since all projects are associated with an EDGAR View window.


  ForceClose boolean If true, any changes to the existing project are abandoned without query.
  NoFileHistory boolean File close action will not be placed in file history list. Note that the open action will also place files in the history list.

Additional Response

  ProjectMDI handle (hex) Associated MDI client window handle. Will be null for simple projects.
  ProjectTab handle (hex) Project Tab window handle.



Creates a new basic XML EDGAR project.


  Form string A valid EDGAR form type. If the form is not supplied the user will be queried.
  ForceClose boolean If true, any changes to the existing project are abandoned without query.
  NoFileHistory boolean File close action will not be placed in file history list. Note that the open action will also place files in the history list.

Additional Response

  Form string The selected form type.
  ProjectMDI handle (hex) Associated MDI client window handle. Will be null for simple projects.
  ProjectTab handle (hex) Project Tab window handle.



Creates a new Text View combination.



Additional Response

  ClientWindow handle (hex) MDI client window handle.
  FirstWindow handle (hex) First tab or view window.



Creates a new text file based on a template. The file created may be created in Text View or Forms View.


  Template string Name of the template to select.. If provided, the user is note queried for a template. If the template name does not exist, an error is returned. Templates are located in “Templates\ascii.csv” with the first column being the name.

Additional Response

  Template string Selected template name.
  ClientWindow handle (hex) MDI client window handle.
  FirstWindow handle (hex) First tab or view window.



Creates a new basic XML EDGAR exhibit or document from a template. More that one XML template can be open at a time. Note that Section 16 items do not distinguish between amendment and non-amendment types in the template.


  Template string Name template.

Additional Response

  Template string The selected template.
  ClientWindow handle (hex) MDI client window handle which holds the associated Data View windows.



Creates a new basic XML EDGAR project. More that one Form D can be open at a time.


  Form string A valid EDGAR form type. If the form is not supplied the user will be queried.

Additional Response

  Form string The selected form type.
  ClientWindow handle (hex) MDI client window handle which holds the associated Data View windows.



Creates an N-SAR document. Note that the XML designation is an outdated term since the SEC abandoned XML and the format remains fixed column ASCII.



Additional Response

  ClientWindow handle (hex) MDI client window handle which holds the associated Data View windows.



Creates a new specific XML EDGAR project and view. Note that the deprecated form query is disabled with a form is specified as a parameter.


  Form string A valid EDGAR form type. If the form is not supplied the user will be queried.
  ForceClose boolean If true, any changes to the existing project are abandoned without query.
  NoFileHistory boolean File close action will not be placed in file history list. Note that the open action will also place files in the history list.

Additional Response

  Form string The selected form type.
  ProjectMDI handle (hex) Associated MDI client window handle. Will be null for simple projects.
  ProjectTab handle (hex) Project Tab window handle.



Passing a filename will cause the function to skip the user browse and open the file. Only one file may be opened at a time in this mode.


  Filename string Filename and Path (will query if not present)
  FileType string If present, attempts to override view to the associated window to the file type specified.
  NoFileHistory boolean File open action will not be placed in file history list. Note that the close action will also place files in the history list.
  ReadOnly boolean Allows a read-only file to be opened. Only certain views watch this option.

Additional Response

  Filename string Actual name opened, shows only last name if list.
  AlreadyOpenIndex int If the file is already open, the value is the Edit Manager Entry Index. This on is provided if a filename was provided by the caller.
  InfoViewTab handle (hex) If an Information View log tab was created.
  ClientWindow handle (hex) MDI client window handle.
  FirstWindow handle (hex) First tab or view window.
  PageViewWindow handle (hex) Page View Only — Edit container.
  CodeViewWindow handle (hex) Page View Only — Edit container.
  ImportFileSet boolean Only present on create from an import.
  ProjectMDI handle (hex) Associated MDI client window handle if the result is an EDGAR View. Will be null for simple projects.
  ProjectTab handle (hex) Project Tab window handle if the result is an EDGAR View.






If file save results in a save as because of the file being untitled, the FILE_SAVE_AS parameters will be used.



File Save As varies from view to view. The follow common settings are available.

Common Parameters

  Filename string Filename and Path (default is to not query if present)
  Query boolean Forces query event with filename, defaults to FALSE.


Common Additional Response

  Filename string Actual name written.


General Implementations




EDGARView (all)


Data View Save As — CSV Export Parameters

Items not specified will take on the settings of the current session’s last use of the function.

  ExportScope string Scope as “Sheet” or “Workbook”. For sheet, the currently active sheet is exported.
  LineEndings string Line endings as “CR/LF”, “LF” or “CR”.
  Encoding string Encoding as “Raw”, “ANSI”, “UTF-8” or “Unicode”.
  ExportHeadings boolean Causes column names to be exported as the first row of CSV.
  ExcelQuoting boolean Uses Excel style CSV with quoting only as required.
  NoQuery boolean Inhibits the options dialog from appearing.


Data View Save As — CSV Additional Responses

  TranslationErrors numeric When down converting to ANSI, this indicates the number of character translation errors.

Insert Functions



Function inserts an HTML or XML compatible symbol or character entity.


  EntityValue decimal, hex or octal Optional character value to insert. This is the primary method of inserting the character.
  EntityName string Optional entity name to insert. The syntax is not checked. If omitted the EntityValue is converted into the text for the character. Names should not be used on XML based files.
  EntityFont string Font name to be used. If blank, a font wrapper is not added.


Additional Response

  EntityValue hex Character value inserted.
  EntityName string Character string inserted.
  EntityFont string Font name, if specified.

Paragraph Functions



Inserts or changes a composite Rule/Line as a field combination of DIV elements. If a parameter is not specified, the previously used as the default. If it is the first time referenced, the default is reset to “Paragraph Cutoff Thin”. Measurement values are not tested and invalid values can result in coding errors.

The select and caret positions should be set prior to calling these functions.


  Type keyword

Optional type. If specified, all the parameters below will be reset to the value for the specified keyword. If the value is not specified, then the default values for the parameters will be from the last insert. Options are:


Paragraph Cutoff Thin

Paragraph Cutoff Medium

Paragraph Cutoff Thick

Cutoff Footnote


Scotch Top Thin

Scotch Top Medium

Scotch Bottom Thin

Scotch Bottom Medium

Scotch Thin Scotch

Medium Scotch Thick 

  AlignMode keyword Optional alignment for rule: Left, Center, Right.
  SpaceBetween pvalue Optional value specifying the space between double rules.
  Width pvalue Optional value specifying the width of the rule.
  Color string Optional CSS color value.
  Style keyword

Optional keyword specifying the style of rule. Options are:

Single Solid

Single Dotted

Single Dashed

Double Solid

Double Dotted

Double Dashed

  TopThickness pvalue Optional value specifying top (single) rule thickness.
  BottomThickness pvalue Optional value specifying bottom (double) rule thickness.
  LeftIndent pvalue Optional value specifying margin.
  RightIndent pvalue Optional value specifying margin.
  SpaceBefore pvalue Optional value specifying margin.
  SpaceAfter pvalue Optional value specifying margin.


Additional Response


Project Functions



Adds a file to a project at the current position.


  Filename string Optional filename to insert. If the filename is not supplied, the function queries the user.
  CopyMode string If file is not in the path scope of the project, this parameter dictates how to deal with the files. Values: NoCopy, Copy and Move.
  CopyDependencies boolean If true, dependencies are detected and copied.
  NoPreprocess boolean When set the document preprocessor is not run. The preprocessor examines the file and will set the type data and description for certain file types. This only applies to EDGAR.
  Type string Sets the entry type or document type for the first file. Note that is preprocessing is allowed, this field will be cleared or loaded by the processor.
  Description string Sets the description for the first file. Note that is preprocessing is allowed, this field will be cleared or loaded by the processor.
  Comment string Sets the comment for the first file.
  EditStatus string Sets the edit status for the first file.
  Member string Sets the membership for the first file (note that users can query multiple). The strings are as follows: Web, Book, Help, EDGAR, Support, UserA and UserB. Note that for EDGAR products, the EDGAR member is always automatically set.
  Switches string Sets the switches for the first file.

Additional Response

The function will create a log.



Causes the project manager to review all files and examine dependencies and then delete or add them, as required.



Additional Response

  UpdatedItems decimal Items that were updated.

Table Functions



Sets background for selected rows.


  BackgroundColor string A valid CSS color.
  BackgroundImage string A valid CSS URL.


Additional Response

None. Improper select mode results in a ERROR_AUTO_CANCEL code.



Function polishes a table. The caret and select positions must be established prior to the call. See the Table Polish Function in the application User Manual for more information on how each of these parameters operates.


    Defaults boolean When set to TRUE, all values are reset to a default and known condition. These are specified with each parameter below.
    TableWidth pvalue Sets the width of the resulting table. The default value is 100%.
    TableQuality string Sets the expected quality as ‘Good’ or ‘Poor’. The default is ‘Good’.
    TableAlign string Sets the alignment as ‘Left’ or ‘Center’. The default is ‘Left’.
    DesignMode string Sets the column layout design mode. The values can be ‘Loose’, ‘Normal’, ‘Tight’ or ‘Specify’. The default is ‘Normal’.
    DesignNumericSize pvalue When used in conjunction with the ‘Specify’ design mode, sets the numeric field width. The default is 10%.
    DesignSpaceSize pvalue When used in conjunction with the ‘Specify’ design mode, sets the column spacing width. The default is 5%.
    DesignGutterSize pvalue When used in conjunction with the ‘Specify’ design mode, sets the left/right gutter width. The default is 1%. The number of gutters is dependent on the ColumnMode parameter.
    NilDashMode string Sets the mode to process ‘nil’ or dash values: ‘AsIs’, ‘Remove’, ‘Short’, ‘Medium’, and ‘Long’.
    NilAlignMode string Sets the alignment of the nil character: ‘Right’, ‘Center’, ‘1em’, ‘2em’.
    ColumnMode string Sets the output mode for columns and how to split gutters: ‘Single’, ‘Double’ or ‘Triple’.
    ColumnPercentInGutter boolean Indicates whether ‘%’ characters should be placed in the gutter or with the preceding number.
    ColumnAddGutterFlag boolean Indicates whether to add a separating gutter between columns (over and above gutters for aligning dollars and hanging items).
    CellHeadTextMode string Indicates how to align text fields in the heading of the table. Values: ‘Match’, ‘Left’, ‘Right’ or ‘Center’.
    CellBodyTextMode string Indicates how to align text (non-numeric) fields in the heading of the body. Values: ‘Match’, ‘Left’, ‘Right’ or ‘Center’.
    HeaderCellsNoWrap boolean When set, all heading cells will have the HTML attribute set to ‘NOWRAP’.
    RuleMode string Sets the rule spanning mode: ‘Table’, ‘Body’ or ‘Columns’.
    RuleConformFlag boolean When set, forces all rows with a rule to conform to all data fields.
    RuleUnderlineDollarsFlag boolean When set, forces rule underline of leading currency.
    RuleUnderlineGutterFlag boolean When set, forces the left gutter area to receive a rule underline.
    RuleHeadingRightGutterFlag boolean Forces right gutter to be underlined.


Additional Response




Function scrubs selected cells or an entire table (as select by the caret being inside the table). The selection must be made prior tot he call.


  RemoveBlocksElements boolean Removes all blocks (not cells), defaults to last state.
  RemoveInlineElements boolean Removes all inline elements, defaults to last state.
  EDGARCompliant boolean Removes non-EDGAR data, defaults to last state.
  RemoveHeight boolean Removes height properties, defaults to last state.
  RemoveIDs boolean Removes IDs, defaults to last state.
  RemoveAllProperties boolean Removes all attributes and properties, defaults to last state.
  IndentCellCode boolean Add code indenting, defaults to last state. (Table only)
  CombineGutterCode boolean Combines gutters on same line, defaults to last state. (Table only)
  WrapCode boolean Wraps code, defaults to last state. (Table only) In cell select mode the code will be automatically wrapped if blocks are removed.


Additional Response




Function merges table cells. If parameters are not set they will pick up the last settings used.


  Query boolean Forces query dialog, defaults to FALSE.
  MergeFromLeft boolean Causes merge from left (rather than right) assuming no cells are selected.
  CellCount int Number of cells to merge (if not selected).
  NoSpanValue boolean If set, the span attributes are not written.
  MultipleRowMerge boolean If set, each selected cell in a row is merger horizontally.
  Silent boolean If set does not display any error message boxes.


Additional Response

The return code will contain a code regarding the specific error.



Function set the CSS height parameter for the selected row or rows.


  RowHeight string New CSS height value as a length/size or as hex.


Additional Response

None. Improper select mode results in a ERROR_AUTO_CANCEL code.



Function stripes the rows of the table at the current caret position. If parameters are not set they will pick up the last settings used.


  OddColor color Odd or first row color. Can be specified as an #rrggbb, #rgb, color name or rgb(r,g,b) value.
  EvenColor color Even or second row color. Can be specified as an #rrggbb, #rgb, color name or rgb(r,g,b) value.
  SkipTaggedHeader boolean If set, skips any beginning cells as designated by the TH cell type.
  StartAtCaret boolean If set, the row the caret is placed on is where the striping begins.
  DoNotCountRules boolean If set and if there are rows with only rules, they are not counted in the alternating color scheme.
  ConsolidateRows boolean If set, an attempt is made to color rows in consolidated groups


Additional Response


XBRL Functions



If the common parameter NoQuery is set to true, the file will not be saved. Note that this can result in project error check warnings if the resulting file set is included in a project. In addition, no query results in an automatic overwrite of the file set.

The progress window by default belongs to the application function. If overwritten, the phases must be set to a minimum of 7 phases for the application function and what ever the caller desires.


  Path string Path to place the resulting file set.
  ZipName string Filename and path to write a zip file.


Additional Response 

  Path string Path used as destination.
  Instance string Instance, filename only.
  Schema string Schema, filename only.
  Presentation string Presentation (_pre), filename only.
  Label string Label (_lab), filename only.
  Calculation string Calculation (_cal), filename only. It is possible to not have a calculation file.
  Definition string Definition (_def), filename only.
  Zip string Full path of zip file, if option enabled.


XDX Functions



The document properties operate as initial setup, setup and wizard or existing properties.


  CIK string Optional EDGAR CIK.
  Date string Optional date of report in the form of yyyy-mm-dd.
  Domain string Optional .
  Namespace string Optional .
  PeriodStart string Optional starting date of period for the document in the form yyyy-mm-dd.
  PeriodEnd string Optional ending date of period for the document in the form yyyy-mm-dd. Combined with the stat becomes the primary context of the report.
  SetupWizard boolean Optional flag forcing run or stop of the setup wizard for XDX tagging and other automatic options. If not specified, the wizard will run if the source document does not contain XDX and the wizard function has not been disabled in the application.
  Taxonomy string Optional taxonomy specification in the form of: type year. Where type is “US-GAAP”, “IFRS”, “RR”, “RXD” and year is four digit specifying the taxonomy year. If there is not a match, the program defaults to the internal first taxonomy (usually the latest IFRS).
  URI string Optional URI string. Should be a validate URI according to the EFM.