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GoFiler Legato Script Reference
Legato v 1.5e Application v 5.25b
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Accepted – With regard to SEC EDGAR submission, the term used to indicate a filing has been processed for EDGAR syntax and information and found to not contain any errors or issues with respect to the XML, HTML or other content and that the filing registrant’s file numbers and state are acceptable. Acceptance does not imply any satisfaction with respect legal disclosure obligations to the SEC. If a filing is ‘live’, the content may be disseminated to the public. See also suspended.
Accession Number – A unique number assigned by the EDGAR System while a filing is submitted. The Accession Number is a combination of the CIK used to log into the EDGAR system, the current year and a serial number of number the filings submitted by the log in CIK. For example, 0000123456-17-000023, logged in as 0000123456, the year is 2017 an it was the 23rd submitted filing. Accession numbers are always serial and can be used when contacting the SEC.
ANSI – American National Standards Institute — As a character set, an 8-bit set of codes based on ASCII and extending code from 128 to 255. ANSI contains ISO-8859-1 which has common latin accented characters. ANSI is also known as also known as Windows-1252 and is the general character set for non-Unicode controls and filenames. Note that while Unicode incorporates ASCII and ISO-8859-1, it does not incorporate all the ANSI codes such as em-dash (151) or medium bullet (149). Therefore, ANSI cannot just be laid into a Unicode setting without some character translation. It is also important to note that UTF uses high characters (above 128) to express 16 or 24-bit Unicode, which when displayed as ANSI or ISO-8859, appear as garbage such as ‘À€’.
API – Application Program Interface. In the context of Legato, the API is the command line functions, termed verbs, that run certain application tasks and return data or a response.
Attribute – For HTML/XML — An attribute specifies a parameter within an SGML tag. For example, <P ALIGN="CENTER">, ALIGN is considered an attribute. A value is normally associated with an attribute and is quoted with single or double quotes.
ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a 7-bit code for relating 96 printable characters as well as defined control codes such as tabs, line endings and line returns. EDGAR uses the term ASCII to mean not only ASCII characters but also a print image representation of the layout using only spaces and returns. There are various other character sets based on the ASCII character set such as ANSI or ISO-8859 where the lower 7-bits (0-127) define ASCII and the upper bits (128-255) represent extended characters. UTF employs an encoding scheme to represent Unicode characters in an 8-bit frame with ASCII.
Auto-allocatable – A variable that can expand as necessary in memory.
Auto-allocatable Array – An array without a size specified in its declaration. The array can expand as necessary in memory.
Axis Depth — The deepest element added or accessed in an array.
Axis Size — The allocated size of an array’s axis in elements.
Base64 – Is a method of encoding binary bytes of data into an ASCII transportable form. It is used in formats such as MIME and EDGAR to encode data. It uses uppercase (A-Z), lowercase (a-z), digits (0-9) plus two additional to represent binary data in 6 bits segments assembled into 24-bit blocks (3 bytes). 6-bits represent 64 values, hence base 64. It expands the data storage requirement approximately 3:4 (not counting line endings).
Bitwise – Accessing an integer (word, dword or qword) by using one or mode bits in the form of semaphores (flags) or groups of bits as ordinals such as types of data. Bitwise data can be used to communicate or store complex states and information to and from functions.
Block – Document — a heading paragraph, cell or division. Blocks are generally characterized by text text can flow within a region and have space before and after to visually separate the text/
Block – Programming — A section of program one or more statements, delineated by and open and close braces { code; }, that is run as group. For example, ‘if (x) { block of code; }.
Byte – An 8-bit value.
CCC – CIK Confirmation Code — An eight-character code used in combination with the CIK as credentials to validate a submitter. The SEC also employs a different eight-character code called a password to log into the EDGAR System.
Character – A binary representation of single symbol such as an ‘a’ or ‘¶’. Characters are generally 8 or 16-bits. An 8-bit character is defined as the char data type in Legato. Multiple characters can be said to be in a string. While some languages treat 8-bit characters as signed, in Legato they are unsigned with a value from 0 to 255.
Character Array – A list of characters of a defined size. Unlike strings, character arrays do not generally resize and may or may not be terminated by a zero character.
Character Entity – An escaped series of characters used in SGML, XML and HTML to present specific characters by value or name. The value is escaped by a starting ‘&’ and ending ‘:’ character. The ‘&’ must be presented by the & character entity. The ‘<’ and ‘>’ characters are also protected represented by < and > entities, respectively. Name entities must be defined in the DTD. For example, HTML defines the – character name, XML does not have that name so the character would have to be presented by a character value – for Unicode.
CDATA – An area of data within SGML or XML that is considered strictly textual, meaning, that special characters such as &, < and > do not have to be escaped. CDATA is represented by the wrapper staring with <![CDATA[ and ending with the ]]> code sequence.
CIK – Central Index Key — A ten-digit number used to identify registrants, reporting owners and agents to the SEC’s EDGAR System. CIKs identify legal entities, such as filer’s, and also are used as a user id to log into the EDGAR System.
Client Area – A specific area inside a window that does not include the window caption or frame.
Client Coordinates – Client coordinates are x/y pixel positions start at 0,0 in the upper left corner of the window.
Client Window – The window inside the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) frame. An edit window container is a client window.
Code View – An edit view available within many the host applications that provides a text editor platform for editing SGML code and programs. Code View and Text View are the same basic edit platform for differing purposes.
Command Line – A series of text that specifies either an executable or command verb and an optional series of parameters. A command line is usually processed by a shell program such as cmd.exe or the Windows shell by selecting the appropriate executable to service the command and then passing the parameters to the program. In Windows, an executable is designated either as a console program or a Windows program. Each accepts command lines but behave differently with respect to input and output.
Common Control – A series of standard window classes defined and supported by Windows such as ‘edit’ or ‘listbox’ for use within dialog pages or as child windows.
Company Database – For EDGAR, a database of entities registered using Form ID indexed by a Central Index Key (CIK). The Company Database is available on the public facing side of the SEC’s website.
CSV – Comma Separated Values — A simple method of presenting data in the form of lines of text (records or rows) and fields (columns) delineated with commas. If the data contains commas, the field content is quoted. CSV is a simple method of carrying tabular data or database information. While CSV does to supply a method of identifying data attributes, names or meanings, it is not uncommon for the first line of a CSV file to contain field names or a row header.
Data Control – A proprietary dialog control that works like a sophisticated list box or mini spreadsheet.
Data Sheet – The underlying class that supports the Data Control and Data View windows. Data Sheets can also be used without a window.
Data Sheet Object – An application object that supports spreadsheet style data with cells arranged in rows and columns with each cell having various attributes. Data sheet objects are used for EDGAR forms, general forms, XBRL View, Data View and various dialog controls.
Data Type – A syntactic label associated with a variable when it is declared that determines what type of data the variable can contain. These include numeric types (int, float), boolean types (boolean), and string types (string, char).
Data View – An edit view available within many the host applications that provides a spreadsheet view of data with multiple tabs (sheets) employing a Data Control and Data Sheet.
Date-time – A specific type of qword in Legato that contains date and time information as the number of nanoseconds counted from January 1, 1601 (UTC). This is based on the Windows FILETIME format (see the Windows SDK for more information).
Default Value – For SGML Object, default value indicates that no attribute was set for a specific tag. This means the default behavior for a reader or rendering agent is then employed. Default values are normally specified in the DTD or schema. A default value is not the same as an empty value. For pvalues, a default condition is indicated by PT_IMPLIED (-1) and “(default)” for a string.
Dialog Box – A user interface managed by Windows that allows information to be interchanged. A dialog box contains child windows known as dialog controls. A program usually loads the controls with information and then validates information entered by a user. Most dialog boxes are ‘modal’ meaning they take over the focus and operation of a program while they are open.
DTD — A Document Type Definition which is a file that specifies the elements, attributes, values and structure of an SGML document. HTML is a document type definition of SGML. XML can use DTDs but normally employs a schema.
dword – A 32-bit unsigned integer.
EDGAR – Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval — A system run by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to collect information from regulated entities such as public corporations, mutual funds and to a lesser extent brokers and dealers.
EDGAR Archive – A public archive of all electronic filings made to the SEC. The SEC also has a repository of paper filings dating back to 1933.
EDGAR Submission – The act of submitting an XML file containing EDGAR data and documents. The submission is generally considered the XML container. Once submitted, the SEC assigns an accession number representing a record of the transmission to the SEC.
EDGAR View – A series of edit views specifically design to edit EDGAR information associated with SEC filings. The Data View class is used to support templates to edit EDGAR information. An EDGAR View is normally associated with a project that allows HTML, text and other documents to be attached to an EDGAR submission.
Edit Object – A medium level object that layers a Mapped Text Object and allows for edit transaction and edit window access and management such as caret position and select modes.
Edit View – A specific view or tab as a child of an edit window. A view may be an alternate representation (Code View versus Page View) or a representation of a separate data component such as a sheet as part of a workbook.
Edit Window – A window that contains one or more edit views that allow the user to view and edit data.
Element Name – For HTML/XML — A text value starting with a letter that identifies a specific item or group of data. For example, <P ALIGN="CENTER">, P is considered the element name.
Escape Character – A character that invokes an alternate interpretation on subsequent characters in a character sequence. Escape characters are commonly used to demarcate text in strings to prevent undesirable display or print outcomes or to indicate formatting (such as using ‘\n’ to denote a line ending).
Exit – Termination of script’s execution typically on a fatal error or user command. A return value is returned to the calling program or function.
Fixed Array – An array with a size specified in its declaration.
Fixed Object – An object whose size is known at the time of its declaration and thus is stored contiguously in memory.
File – A collection of data stored as a unit on durable media such as a hard drive, network location, USD drive or other location.
File Extension – A text code placed after a file name to help identify the content of the file. For example, filename.ext. The last period in the complete filename identifies the extension. Extensions are frequently used to quickly identify the content of a file such as .docx for MS word or .jpg for a JPEG image.
File Signature – Many file types contain a signature, that is, a unique series of data to help identify the content of a file. For binary files, a signature is important to tell the difference between a zip file and an image. Simple text files do not have signatures while XML and HTML files are generally identified by their doctype or schema.
FILETIME – A Windows 64-bit construct to store time information as counted from January 1, 1601 (UTC). A FILETIME structure consists of two 32-bit dwords. See the Windows SDK for more information.
File Type – A file type identifies the content of a file such as text or an image. The content of a file is normally expressed by both the File Extension and a File Signature.
File Type Code – A proprietary 32-bit code used by the application and Legato to identify a file. The code is determined by either the file extension or signature. The human-readable version of the File Type Code is the File Type String.
File Type String – A proprietary text string used by the application and Legato to identify a file. The File Type String is based on the File Type Code but does not contain as much information.
Folder – A group of files and other folders. A folder can also be known as a directory or file folder.
Formatted Error Code – For Legato and its host application, a structured 32-bit dword that contains a bitwise error class, type, flags and code. In certain cases, the lower part of the dword contains the Windows O/S error code.
Frame or Frame Window – The frame window is the top level window of the application. It contains all other windows such as menus, ribbons, Management View, Information View, status bar and the MDI client. The application only has a frame window if the GUI (Graphical User Interface) is running.
Function – A sequence of program statements packaged as a unit that perform a specific task. Functions can also be called subroutines. For clarity, there are serveral types of functions: menu functions: SDK functions, user functions and API functions.
Function Code – With respect to the application and menu, a text code to identify a menu/ribbon function for the application. The codes are generally descriptive and grouped, for example, FILE_NEW, FILE_NEW_HTML, etc...
Function ID – With respect to the application and menu, a number used to identify a menu/ribbon function for the application. The numeric values may change from version to version of the application so programmers should not hard code ID values.
GIF – Graphics Interchange Format, a bitmap style image format employing a 1 to 256 bit color palette and run length compression. GIFs files tend to be good for representing logos, icons, logo art or low color pictures including animation.
Global Variable – A variable whose scope applies to the entire script and is available to all subroutines within that script. Global variables are declared outside of any particular function. By their nature, global variables are static.
GUI – Graphical User Interface, an interface based on windows, controls and buttons that can be accessed via keyboard, mouse or touch screen.
Handle – An arbitrary and unique number used to identify a specific object, window, file or other complex item. The ‘handle’ is used to access or grab the item.
HTML – HyperText Markup Language — An instance or doctype of SGML that defines a markup language for text used for web display and many other mediums. HTML is normally encoding as ASCII or UTF-8 but may have many other character sets.
Image View – An edit view available within many the host applications that provides a platform for basic image editing and conversion.
Key Name – A string that can be used to identify an element, row, column or axis of a dimensional variable. Key names always map to an indexed position.
Keyword – A word reserved by the language that has special meaning to the Legato interpreter. Keywords may not be used as variable names.
L-value – An optional left side of a statement. An l-value must be followed by an assignment operator.
List – A single-dimension array.
Literal – A fixed value in source code often used during variable initialization. String literals must be surrounded in quotation marks.
Local Variable – A variable whose scope applies to the user function in which it is declared.
Mapped Text Object – An object that allows for random read and write access to a text file via segments. This is the basic file class for the application.
MDI – Multiple Document Interface. The MDI allows for multiple files to be edit at one time. Each editing window can contain one or more edit views.
Menu – A popup window attached to a ribbon or as part of a context menu. Menus contain menu items that can be selected via keyword or mouse and can contain submenus. Within the application, all menu items have an associated menu function with a function ID and function code.
Menu Function – A function that is directly associated with running an application menu item. Available menu functions can differ between application types and can also be defined by the user. Ribbon and menu functions are considered the same. Menu functions are identified by a Function Code and a Function ID. A Function Code is a unique string such as “FILE_OPEN” while and Function ID is a transitory token that can be used to quickly access menu items.
Message – With respect to windows — an event that is passed from the Window dispatcher to a specific window to perform a specific function. There are hundreds of message defined types as well as custom message types. Message can be sent by one application to another application’s window, they can be sent within an application or they are sent by Windows to indicate an event or condition. Messages can be sent or posted. Sent messages are immediately processed and then control returns to the sender (or caller) while posted messages are added to the Window dispatch queue for later processing.
Method – A term used by some programming languages to present one or functions or classes of functions. Legato does not generally use this term.
Mixed Value – For SGML Objects and pvalues, a mixed value is a value for a group of the same properties that have mixed valued. The value is indicated by PT_MIXED for a pvalue and “(mixed)” for a string, either value is not written back to an SGML tag. This is a convenient method of indicating a conflict when merging multiple tags with the same attributes but not with the same value.
MSDN – Microsoft Developer Network. Since Legato is a Windows based application, many functions rely on or layer Windows SDK functions. See www.msdn.com for additional information.
Object – An abstract item in computer memory. The item may be, for example, a Legato object, a file, a Windows object (such as a dialog), or a collection of data structures and functions.
Operator – A language construct that generally behaves as function though syntactically and semantically different. Operators generally perform on operations with an expression.
Page View – An edit view present within the host application that provides an HTML page editor. It is normally combined with a Code View editor.
PNG – Portable Network Graphic, an open graphic format that embodies many of the features of GIF and JPEG images.
PVALUE or pvalue – Parameter value or PT_ type. Data is structured as a bitwise unit type and fix decimal point data. For example, inches in 10000ths or pixels in 100ths. The pvalue data type is proprietary to Legato and the host application. The keyword PVALUE is defined in the SDK as a dword.
QName or Qualified Name – An XML string used as part of an element, attribute or value that specifies a prefix to a namespace, namespace and a name. For example, ‘xs:element’.
qword – A 64-bit unsigned integer.
R-value – The right side of a statement. An r-value may contain any number of expressions and function calls.
Recursion – Recursion is a method of a function or functions calling themselves. This is particular useful for addressing certain computer logic problems. Legato’s function call stack depth is limited to 100, so recursion must be employed sparingly.
Return – Completion of a function or script’s execution. A return value is returned to the calling program or function. If a value is not set or a return statement is not at the end of the block and that block contains a function, zero is returned.
Ribbon – A combination menu/toolbar that allows the user to select application functions such as opening files or editing tools.
Rich Text Format (RTF) – A text based document file format with published specification developed by Microsoft for cross-platform document interchange with Microsoft and other products.
Schema – Database — Information that defines the structure of a database tables including the relationships between fields from table to table.
Schema – XML — A data file that specifies the elements, attributes, values and structure of an XML data file.
SDK Function – A function that is defined as part of the SDK. By convention, all SDK function names are in CamelCase (also referred to as CamelCaps) format, such as GetTagElement. Many object based function names are grouped by a leading word such as EDGARResponse... or Outline...
SGML Object – An object which contains series of functions to parse, check and generate SGML, HTML and XML.
SID – A Security Identification Descriptor, a unique code used to identify users, groups, domains or other resources.
Stack – A generic data type that allows for a LIFO (last in first out) data arrangement. Data is said to be ‘pushed’ and ‘popped’ on and off the stack. For programs, the generic stack is part of the processor stack used to hold local function data and return addresses. In Legato, since it is an interpreted language, it employs both the processor stack and has its own data layered on the processor stack for script function calls which is limited to a stack depth of 100 function calls. The stack is a very efficient way to store transient data in a LIFO fashion.
Stack Overflow – A condition where the operating system cannot provide any more stack space to the program. In such a case the application will terminate with an exception. Stack overflows normally occur when recursion is too deep or to much local data is being pushed on the stack. Legato limits the stack in such a manner as to avoid the application terminating and rather stops the script and unwinds the stack. In some cases, a programmer will accidentally call the same routine, in a chain of calls, from which the call started, thus causes a loop and a stack overflow.
Statement – A set of program instructions that ends in an semicolon.
String – A variable that contains a series characters (8 or 16-bit) where the data is generally terminated by a zero byte. A string is essentially an automatically allocated character array. Individual characters can be accessed using an array subscript.
Subroutine – See function.
Suspended – With regard to SEC EDGAR submission, the term used to indicate a filing has failed EDGAR processing for syntax, information or found to contain errors with respect to the XML, HTML, or failed due to other content such as registrant’s file numbers, status or fees. See also Accepted
Tab – Text or Word Processing — The character position 0x09 or 9 within the ASCII character set that us used to either delimited text items or format text by snapping to a position. The default tab value is every 8 character positions, however, that value can be set to any arbitrary value. List Box and Data Controls allow tab positions to be set in dialog units or pixels to form columns. As data is set, the tab character cause the position to snap or the column to change, respectively.
Tab – Window — On windows tabs can be used to select dialog pages, MDI edit window filenames, Information View Sessions, Management View control windows, etc...
Table – HTML — Textual data organized in rows and columns to make cells that can be displayed in a browser.
Table – Programming — A two-dimension array general accessed by rows and columns.
Tag – For HTML/XML — A combination of an element and zero or more attributes surrounded by < and > characters. For example, <P ALIGN="CENTER">, is an opening paragraph tag. In XML or properly structured HTML, tags have open and close versions or are empty elements (such as <br/>) and are nested correctly.
TIFF – Tagged Image File Format — A raster image format used by desktop publishing and certain photograph
Text View – An edit view available within many the host applications that provides a text editor platform for editing print image text. Text View and Code View are the same basic edit platform for differing purposes.
TOKEN or token – In general, a token is an item that presents another item. Within Legato, token values usually represent a string item, for example an SGML element token is a dword value representing an element name. The token value is structured such that certain bits identify the token type (element, attribute, property) and other bits identify the specific string. The term TOKEN is defined in the SDK as a dword.
TWIP or TWIPS – Twentieth of a Point. There are conventionally 72 points to an inch, or 1440 twips per inch.
Unicode – An expansive code set managed by the Unicode Consortium. The Unicode base is ASCII and ISO-8859-1 which is then vastly expanded to cover most of the symbols of most of the world’s languages plus typographical, math and many other symbols. Unicode is normally represented as 16-bit values (plane 0) but has expanded planes which require 24-bits.
User Function – A function defined by a programmer as part of a script. It is generally a goof idea not to use CamelCaps for names to avoid confusing user functions with SDK function.
UTF - Unicode Text Format is a method of encoding 16 or 24-bit Unicode characters in an 8-bit stream. This is presently the most common and efficient manner to transport Unicode files and is the default encoding for XML. UTF employ escape characters (or rather a bit range) to indicate to a computer reader that the next few bytes are encoded as a 16 or 24-bit value. It is not uncommon to see document, particularly from the internet, that contain UTF-8 that is not processed, for example ‘À€’.
UUEncode – UUEncoding, or Unix-to-Unix encoding, is a method of encoding binary bytes of data into an ASCII transportable form. It uses a 6-bit frame to represent binary data generally in 45 byte segments (60 characters). It expands the data storage requirement approximately 3:4 (not counting line endings and control data).
Value – The data stored within a variable.
Virtual File Cloud (VFC) – A file cloud. Within the application, a mapped VFC volume is connected to a server, using a portal.
Window – Generically, a visual container for related items such as simple items like a dialog box or a button or complex items like the frame of an application. Windows can have a parent, children, and related siblings. Under Windows, each window has a unique window handle and a low-level procedure that services window messages from the window to paint, respond to clicks and many other activities.
Window Handle – A unique 32-bit value that presents a window within the Windows operating system. Each window has a unique window handle. In Legato, window handle values are types as handle data types.
Windows SDK – Windows Software Development Kit, also reference to as Win32 or Win64 which contains all the published functions and operation of the Windows operating system.
word – With respect to computer data, typically a 16-bit unsigned integer.
Word Parse Object – An object which contains a series of functions to parse text as plain text, SGML or in program syntax.
XBRL – eXtensible Business Reporting Language. An XML specification using linkbases and extended schemas to represent business data in various forms as facts as referenced by taxonomy element names, contexts, and units.
XBRL View – A spreadsheet like interface provided to edit XBRL in the form of presentations and control sheets.
XML – eXtensible Markup Language. XML can be parsed with the mini SGML parser or with the SGML Object.
Zero-Terminated – Conventionally means the end of an array, specifically an array of characters, is terminated with a zero value. Also known in some programming languages as null-terminated.
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© 2012-2025 Novaworks, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide. Unauthorized use, duplication or transmission prohibited by law. Portions of the software are protected by US Patents 10,095,672, 10,706,221 and 11,210,456. Novaworks, GoFiler™ and Legato™ are registered trademarks of Novaworks, LLC. EDGAR® is a federally registered trademark of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Novaworks is not affiliated with or approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Use of the features specified in this language are subject to terms, conditions and limitations of the Software License Agreement.