Using Legato — PAGE UNDER MAINTENANCE (08/20/2024 - 13:13 EDT)

The Legato Scripting Language and the IDE are included in all installations of GoFiler Complete. You may also download the Legato Interpreter for free as a standalone package below.

This package will allow you to run Legato scripts from a command line. Legato is free for development for personal or non-commercial use. By downloading Legato Basic, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of its use.

Download 32-bit   Download 64-bit

This package will allow you to write, debug and run Legato scripts from an IDE. Legato is free for development for personal or non-commercial use. By downloading Legato IDE, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of its use.

Download 32-bit   Download 64-bit
Legato Release Notes
Version 1.5a (08/20/2024) / GoFiler 5.23b

1.0 Legato Script Language Notes   

1.1  Introduction of x64

Legato 1.5a introduces 64-bit processing. Legato Base and IDE application is available as 64-bit or 32-bit as part of the download. GoFiler Complete 64-bit is available by request from technical support. x64 allows for significantly more memory allocation.

1.2  Function Improvements and Changes

–  Added file tester support for JSON.

–  Added key names format and sign to the XBRLAddFact function. This allows transform information to be added for iXBRL instance generation.

–  Added logic to detect the leading ‘current directory’ syntax (“./”) on paths for the AddPaths function.

–  The XBRL Model will now open xBRL-JSON files. We have a limited test set of data; please advise technical support of any issues so we can rectify them.

–  An issue was corrected in JSON character encoding and with any functions employing 1 (byte) or 2 (word) byte hexadecimal encoding. The decode routines returned the value both as a request pointer value and as part of the error status. Unfortunately, the return value (dword) would be compromised if the value caused the 1 or 2 byte value to be considered negative, since the sign extended value was combined with the return error code. In this case, the value would be reported as an error since the high error bit would be set. The values have now been capped at their respective 8 and 16 bit sizes. To illustrate sign extension, consider the following example: A signed byte value 0x7F is 0111 1111 in binary is positive. If this value is put into a 32-bit dword, the result would be 0x0000007F. Now consider an example value 0xA0 or 1010 0000 in binary, which has the top (sign bit) set. When converted to 32-bits, the result would be 0xFFFFFFA0. So callers would interpret the value with the ERROR_BIT (0x80000000) set, when in fact there is no error. This correction masks the sign extension, thus correcting the issue.

1.3  New API Functions


–  HelpDisplayTopic — Displays help information with an optional help topic.


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