
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter FiveGeneral Functions (continued)

FormatNumber Function


The FormatNumber converts a string, integer or float value to a formatted string with regional options and the ability to control the decimal places.



string = FormatNumber ( int value, [dword options] );

string = FormatNumber ( float value, [dword options] );

string = FormatNumber ( string value, [dword options] ); 



A string containing a flat number.


A dword containing option bits for the formatting of the number. The default value is:


Return Value

Returns a string containing the formatted number or an empty string on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve error information.


There are a number of functions to format numbers. This function is designed to help with processing of data into numbers for representation on reports or other data sheets by allowed for a number of options including rounding.

The FormatNumber function is very forgiving for string source format data, ripping out most non-numeric data.

for string operations, if there is a ‘%’ suffix in the source value, the FN_PERCENT option is automatically be enabled. However, this disabled the math component treating the scaling of the incoming number as-is.

The options are as follows:

  Definition   Bitwise   Description  
  Decimal Fraction          
    FN_DECIMALS_MASK   0x0000000F   Decimal Mask (count of decimals)  
    FN_OPTIONS_MASK   0x0000FFF0   Options Mask (flags)  
  Negative Numbers          
    FN_NEGATIVE_MASK   0x00000030   Negative Mode Mask  
    FN_NEGATIVE_LEADING_DASH   0x00000000   Negative as Leading '-123'  
    FN_NEGATIVE_TRAILING_DASH   0x00000010   Negative as Trailing '123-'  
    FN_NEGATIVE_PAREN   0x00000020   Negative in the Hole '(123)'  
    FN_ROUNDING_MASK   0x000000C0   Rounding Mode Mask  
    FN_TRUNCATE_NUMBER   0x00000000   Truncate Extra Digits Number  
    FN_ROUND_HALF_EVEN   0x00000080   Round Number Up/Down  
  Source Options          
    FN_EU_SOURCE   0x00008000   Source Decimal is a Comma  
  Resulting Format (ordinal)          
    FN_FORMAT_MASK   0x000F0000   Format Mask  
    FN_STRIP_FORMAT   0x00000000   No formatting  
    FN_US_FORMAT   0x00010000   Format in US, UK, Canada Style  
    FN_EU_FORMAT   0x00020000   Format in Euro Style  
    FN_GE_FORMAT   0x00030000   Format in German Style  
    FN_IN_FORMAT   0x00040000   Format in Indian Style  
    FN_PERCENT   0x000A0000   Format as Percent (100th)  


Aside from truncation, the only current rounding option is even/half. This method take 5 and above and rounds up, without regard to sign. So for a whole number, if the incoming is 23.5 the result will be 24 and if -23.5 the result will be -24. Rounding occurs on last significant digit.

The FN_EU_SOURCE option should only be used with string input and if the number is in Euro format, i.e., “123.345,67”. This is important to the parse to process since the decimal character is pivotal to the parsing process.

Unless a ‘%’ is in the source string, using the FN_PERCENT option will treat the incoming value as a fraction of 100%. As such, “.20” will become 20%.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic

Page revised 2024-08-19