
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter SixFile Functions (continued)

GetFileTypeData Function


The GetFileTypeData function examines a file and returns type characteristics in the form of a string array.



string[] = GetFileTypeData ( string source );



A string specifying a qualified source filename to inspect. For maximum flexibility, this file is opened with read access and share write/read.

Return Value

Returns a string array containing file type codes or a an empty array on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve error information.


See the introduction to this section for the file codes and their meaning. The following table contains the possible key names. Not all signature testers return details and some return values are based solely on the file extension.

  FileTypeCode File type code represented as hex. This code is determined by examining the signature of the file.
  FileTypeString File type code represented as a token.
  ExtensionTypeCode File extension type code represented as hex. This is based on the file extension only.
  ExtensionTypeString File extension type code represented as a token.
  TypeDescription Descriptive text of the file type. This can sometimes contain additional information.
  VersionGroup Version information in hex.
  VersionMajor Major version number in hex.
  VersionMinor Minor version number in hex.
  FilePath Path of file being tested.
  FileName Name of file being tested.
  FileSize Size of file being tested.
  FileCreateTime Creation time of file.
  FileModifiedTime Last write time of file.
  MetaAuthor Author of file.
  MetaComments Comments for file. This may contain more EDGAR Information.
  MetaDescription Description of file.
  MetaKeywords Keyword of file.
  MetaOptions Options of file.
  MetaSubject Subject of file.
  MetaTitle Title of file.
  ImageColors If the file type is an image, the colors may be provided in decimal.
  ImageWidth If the file type is an image, the width may be provided in decimal.
  ImageHeight If the file type is an image, the height may be provided in decimal.
  TransparentColor If the file type is an image, the transparent color may be provided in hex.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic