
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter NineDialog Functions (continued)

9.25 Tab Control

9.25.1 Introduction

The tab control allows for tabs to be defined as folder tabs or buttons depending on the specified style. The control can be accessed as the Windows class “SysTabControl32” and alias “TabControl”.

The control can be placed anywhere but for tabs, it is usually on the top of the dialog page. Unlike a property sheet, the tab control does not control the remaining controls on the dialog page. It is up to the programmer to change, hide or show tabs based on the selected tab.

The tab control sends its notifications via the notify procedure. Primary notifications, as prefixed by TCN_, can be passed through to the action procedure if a notify procedure is not defined.

9.25.2 Tab Control Types and Styles

An example tab control:

CONTROL "", 101, "SysTabControl32", TCS_TOOLTIPS | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8, 4, 184, 13, 0

9.25.3 Tab Control Notifications

Tab messages are sent via the notify procedure. If that procedure is not defined, no NM_ type message notifications are passed to the action procedure.

  Notification code   Value   Description
  NM_CLICK (tab)       The user clicked the left mouse button within the control.
  NM_DBLCLK (tab)       The user double-clicked the left mouse button within the control.
  NM_RCLICK (tab)       The user clicked the right mouse button within the control.
  NM_RDBLCLK (tab)       The user double-clicked the right mouse button within the control.
  NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE (tab)       Control is releasing mouse capture.
  TCN_FOCUSCHANGE       Tab button focus has changed.
  TCN_GETOBJECT       Sent when it has the TCS_EX_REGISTERDROP extended style and an object is dragged over a tab item in the control.
  TCN_KEYDOWN       A key has been pressed.
  TCN_SELCHANGE       The currently selected tab has changed.
  TCN_SELCHANGING       The currently selected tab is about to change.

In response to a message, the action procedure should calculate and set the new scroll position. Note that the notifications only express what the user requested, but the control must be updated by the scroll to reflect the new position.

9.25.4 Tab Control Functions

Page revised 2024-08-19