
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

11.3.10 DTD and Schema

The DTD or Document Type Definition defines the elements, attributes, values and structure of SGML and HTML. XML can use a DTD but normally uses a schema (XSD). The DTD Object consists of the following components:

The DTD Manager contains the logic to load well known DTD information, search for and enumerate terms using tokens, validation (as attached to the well-known DTD) and logic to manage namespaces and DOCTYPE information. Not shown and as part of the DTD Token Lists are the CSS Properties List and named character entities. Since CSS properties, particularly inline CSS styles, are treated like SGML attributes, CSS properties are processed like attributes.

Namespaces are counted in two areas: as tokens for prefix names which are attached to elements and attributes and as as a list of prefixes and namespace URLs.

A DTD is attached to an SGML Object. If a DTD is not specified, the default is HTML 5. CSS, while not defined within a DTD, is part of the DTD functions. The following table lists the currently built in DTDs:

  Definition   Bitwise   Description  
  DTD Designator          
    DTD_CUSTOM   0x00000000   No Specific DTD Set or Custom  
    DTD_DEFAULT_EDGAR_HYBRID   0x00000001   Default EDGAR Hybrid HTML 3.2  
    DTD_DEFAULT_EDGAR_XHTML   0x00000002   Default XHTML/XBRL EDGAR 1.0/3.2  
    DTD_DEFAULT_EDGAR_IXBRL   0x00000007   Default XHTML/iXBRL EDGAR 1.0/4.x  
    DTD_DEFAULT_HTML_20   0x00000010   Default HTML 2.x  
    DTD_DEFAULT_HTML_32   0x00000003   Default HTML 3.2  
    DTD_DEFAULT_HTML_40_TRANSITIONAL   0x00000004   Default HTML 4.01 Transitional  
    DTD_DEFAULT_HTML_40_STRICT   0x00000005   Default HTML 4.01 Strict  
    DTD_DEFAULT_HTML_40_FRAMESET   0x00000020   Default HTML 4.01 Frameset  
    DTD_DEFAULT_HTML_50   0x00000030   Default HTML 5.0  
    DTD_DEFAULT_XHTML_10_TRANSITIONAL   0x00000006   Default XHTML 1.0 Transitional  
    DTD_DEFAULT_XHTML_10_STRICT   0x00000050   Default XHTML 1.0 Strict  
    DTD_DEFAULT_XHTML_10_FRAMESET   0x00000060   Default XHTML 1.0 Frameset  
    DTD_DEFAULT_XHTML_11   0x00000080   Default XHTML 1.1 (strict)  
    DTD_DEFAULT_XHTML_11_BASIC   0x00000090   Default XHTML 1.1 Basic  
    DTD_DEFAULT_XSD   0x000000A0   Default XSD  
    DTD_XHTML_AS_XML   0x00000100   XHTML as XML (Wrapper)  


Standard token values are located in the Legato SDK. Programmers should not hard code token values.

These functions allow translation of string names to DTD tokens. Version 1 of Legato SGML DTD does not allow for custom DTD specification.

DTD Specific Functions:

DTD Functions Accessed Via SGML Object: