
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

HTMLTableGetColumnProperties Function


The HTMLTableGetColumnProperties function returns properties for a specified column. The column position can be specified as a discrete index or a position and span.



string[] = HTMLTableGetColumnProperties ( handle hTable, int pos, [int span] );



A handle to an HTML Table Map Object.


An int as either a zero number specifying the column position (1 being the first) along with an optional span value or a zero-based discrete column index if the value is ORed with 0x80000000.


An optional int as a span value. If omitted, the value of 1 is used. The span parameter is not used when addressing the columns as a discrete index.

Return Value

Returns a string array containing the properties for a column or an empty array on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code.


The columns count is determined by the cell positions and span values or via a discrete index. The first column position would be 1 (and span 1 one). Discrete positions are not necessarily in order (they are set by the order they are encountered during the map).

  Key Name   Description  
    DiscreteIndex   Zero-based discrete index value as a decimal string.  
    ColumnPosition   Zero-based column position value as a decimal string.  
    ColumnSpan   Column span value as a decimal string.  
    background-color   The background color. This key may be omitted if not supplied for the column.  
    class   The HTML class.  
    text-align   The text alignment as a CSS value.  
    vertical-align   The vertical alignments as a CSS value.  
    width   Width, if specified as a string. The value may be “(default)” if no width is specified or “(mixed)” if more than one differing value was found. Unlike other aggregated values, implied values do not conflict with specified files.  
  Additional Data    
    ContentFlags   A hexadecimal string of the bitwise column content flags. See below.  
    CallerA   Caller data 1 value as a decimal string.  
    CallerB   Caller data 2 value as a decimal string.  


Context flags are as follows:

  Definition   Bitwise   Description  
  Bitwise Content (Column)          
    COL_CONTENT_MASK   0x0000FFFF   Content Mask  
  Same as Cell Modes          
    COL_CONTENT_NIL   0x00000001   Nil or Dashes  
    COL_CONTENT_TEXT   0x00000002   General Text  
    COL_CONTENT_HEADER   0x00000004   Header, Date Lexicon or Number  
    COL_CONTENT_FINANCIAL   0x00000008   Financial Figure  
    COL_CONTENT_NUMERIC   0x00000010   Non-Financial Figure (not date)  
    COL_CONTENT_FOOTNOTE   0x00000020   Footnote  
  Column Hints          
    COL_CONTENT_HINT_CURRENCY   0x00000100   Currency  
    COL_CONTENT_NINT_DATE   0x00000200   Cell Has Date Lexicon Item(s)  
    COL_CONTENT_HINT_YEAR   0x00000400   Cell Has Date Year  
    COL_CONTENT_HINT_HEADER   0x00000800   Cell Has Other Header Lexicon  
  Column Only Control Flags          
    COL_UPDATED   0x00100000   This Column has Changed  
    COL_GUTTER_OPEN   0x00200000   Column Is an Open Gutter  
    COL_GUTTER_CLOSE   0x00400000   Column Is a Close Gutter  
  Cell/Column Flags          
    CELL_FLAGS_MASK   0xFF000000   Cell Mask  
    CELL_HEAD   0x01000000   Table Data (heading)  
    CELL_DATA   0x02000000   Table Data (body)  
    CELL_ERROR   0x04000000   One or More Fields Contained Errors  
    CELL_COL_HEAD   0x08000000   Column Head Specification (COL)  
    CELL_CONTENT   0x10000000   Cell/Column Had Content (not nbsp)  
    CELL_TEXT   0x20000000   Cell Has Text  
    CELL_NUMBER   0x40000000   Cell Has Number (accounting 1,234)  
    CELL_IN_HOLE   0x80000000   Number has a Trailing Parenthesis  


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic