GoFiler Complete

GoFiler Script Reference


Legato v 1.1a

Application v 4.19aa



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

HTMLSetCellDefaultStyle Function‡


The HTMLSetCellDefaultStyle function sets the base or default style for all cells within a managed table.



int = HTMLSetCellDefaultStyle ( handle hObject, string style | string style[] );



A handle to an HTML Writer Object.


A string or string array specifying the style. If the value is a simple string, it must be in CSS format similar to an inline style for HTML. In array format the string is specified in parameter name-value format where the key name for the array item is the CSS property name.

Return Value

An int as ERROR_NONE (0) or a formatted error code. If an error occurs that is related to the syntax of the parameters, all the augment style parameters will be cleared. Use the GetLastErrorMessage function to determine if the error is related to a specific property. If so, the GetLastError function will return the error code with the zero-based item number in the lower bits.



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