
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

XDXEngramToProperties Function


The XDXEngramToProperties function returns processes the engram and returns a set of properties that relate to the specific XDX command or action.



string[] = XDXEngramToProperties ( string data );

string[] = XDXEngramToProperties ( handle hXDX, int index );



A string containing an engram. Or,


A handle to an XDX Object. And,


A zero-based int specifying the map index position to retrieve the data.

Return Value

A string array containing the parameters for the engram or an empty array on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code and GetLastErrorMessage for additional detail.


The XDXEngramToProperties takes an engram and breaks it into the properties for a specific engram type. The first parameter is always the same and represents the type of engram. The remaining contain the specific data based on the type of engram.

The key names are as follows:

  Key Name   Description  
  Basic Information:      
    code   The XDX code that specifies the function of the engram.  
  Column Context:      
    context   Composite context containing dates and members.  
    context   Composite context containing dates and members.  
  DEI Fact:      
    dei_fact   TBD  
    element   Taxonomy Element (XBRL Concept).  
    pm_mode   Period Match Mode  
    indent   Indent Level.  
    neg_flag   Negated Flag (for the current presentation)  
    tot_flag   Total Flag (for the current presentation)  
    abs_flag   Abstract Flag (for the current presentation)  
    dat_flag   Date Heading Flag  
    cal_flag   Calculation Flag  
    main_flag   Use Main Presentation Flag  
    rel_flag   Relation Flag  
    parent   Parent Element.  
    precision   Precision.  
    counted   “Counted As”.  
    display   TDB  
    unit   Unit Applied.  
  Fact (Inline or Block):      
    context   Composite context containing dates and members.  
    element   Taxonomy Element (XBRL Concept).  
    pm_mode   Period Match Mode  
    indent   Indent Level.  
    neg_flag   Negated Flag (for the current presentation)  
    tot_flag   Total Flag (for the current presentation)  
    abs_flag   Abstract Flag (for the current presentation)  
    dat_flag   Date Heading Flag  
    cal_flag   Calculation Flag  
    main_flag   Use Main Presentation Flag  
    rel_flag   Relation Flag  
    parent   Parent Element.  
    precision   Precision.  
    counted   “Counted As”.  
    display   TBD  
    unit   Unit Applied.  
    ftn_refs   Footnote Reference  
    link   TBD  
    namespace   Instance namespace.  
  Report Period:      
    report_period   TBD  
  Row Context:      
    context   Composite context containing dates and members.  
    element   Taxonomy Element (XBRL Concept).  
    pm_mode   Period Match Mode  
    indent   Indent Level.  
    neg_flag   Negated Flag (for the current presentation)  
    tot_flag   Total Flag (for the current presentation)  
    abs_flag   Abstract Flag (for the current presentation)  
    dat_flag   Date Heading Flag  
    cal_flag   Calculation Flag  
    main_flag   Use Main Presentation Flag  
    rel_flag   Relation Flag  
    parent   Parent Element.  
    precision   Precision.  
    counted   “Counted As”.  
    display   TBD  
    unit   Unit Applied.  
  Table (Presentation):      
    element   Taxonomy Element (XBRL Concept).  
    type   TBD  
    name   TBD  
    precision   Default precision.  
    counted   Default “Counted As.”  
    taxomony   Name of root taxonomy for instance.  


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic