
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

11.20.9 Instance — Facts

The fields returned by fact function vary depending the terse and verbose options set by the XBRLSetOptions function:

  SDK Definition   Bitwise   Descritption  
  API Options          
    XM_OPTIONS_TERSE_DATA_SETS   0x00000001   Do Not Report Certain Items  
    XM_OPTIONS_VERBOSE_DATA_SETS   0x00000002   Report Extra Items Certain Items  


These options are not mutually exclusive. The terse set primarily removes information about the source of the fact which may be only mildly interesting when digesting data while the verbose option expands on related data items.

The following key name are use as list entries or as table columns:

  Key Name   Description/Comment  
  Fact Information:      
    position†   The position in the fact array. (not part of data set)  
    fact_id   An optional ID to identify the fact.  
  Numeric Facts:    
    precision   For numeric values, the precision as represented as a decimal string.  
    decimals   For numeric values, the decimal precision as represented as a decimal string.  
    nil   Set to ‘true’ or ‘false’.  
    element   Full qualified element name (QName).  
    prefix†   Namespace prefix.  
    concept†   Concept name (identifier portion of QName).  
    context_id   Context ID reference associated with fact.  
    unit_id   Unit ID reference, if present.  
    language   Language, if provided.  
  Fact Data:      
    data   Fact data.  
    raw_data†   Untranslated data. This only applies to iXBRL sourced material.  
  Fact Characteristics:      
    attributes   A hexadecimal version of flags associated with the entry.  
    transform†   If iXBRL and the format attribute was used for the fact, this will contain the iXBRL transform code. Otherwise, it will be an empty string.  
    sign†   If iXBRL, this indicates that the source code had a sign attribute as ‘-’ if the value was negative in the source code.  
    scale†   If iXBRL, this indicates that the source code was scaled. This is a plus/minus value indicating the scale.  
  Post Process Context Data:      
    date_a   If instant period-type, the instant date. If duration period-type, the start date. If forever period type, a string as “forever”.  
    date_b   If duration period-type, the end date.  
    dimensional_flag   If the context contains dimensional information, this value will be set to “1”, otherwise “0”.  
    dimension_xx   Zero or more dimension concepts where xx is 01 to 10. If not present, this key is not used.  
    value_xx   Zero or more member concepts or data values where xx is 01 to 10. If not present, this key is not used.  
  Post Process Concept Data:      
    concept_uri   The concepts URI namespace.  
    abstract   If abstract, set “1”, otherwise “0”. Facts should not be abstract.  
    nillable   If nillable set “1”, otherwise “0”.  
    period_type   Period-type as “instant” or “duration”. Note that forever is duration.  
    balance_type   Balance type, if set, “debit” or “credit”.  
    data_type   Data type for concept.  

The substitution group for the concept. This is one of the following:





Or, empty on a incomplete or unmatched concept record.

  Post Process Links:    
    concept_x   A zero based direct index to the concept table. If -1, the link has not been set or has an error.  
    context_x   A zero based direct index to the context table. If -1, the link has not been set or has an error.  
    unit_x   A zero based direct index to the unit table. If -1, the link has not been set or has an error.  
    o_sy o_sx o_ey_o_ex   Decimal strings specifying the open tag file position.  
    d_sy d_sx d_ey_d_ex   Decimal strings specifying the fact data tag file position.  
    c_sy c_sx c_ey_c_ex   Decimal strings specifying the close tag file position.  


† This value is not presented in terse mode.

‡ This value is only present in verbose mode.

Note that the post process keys are only present if the XBRL instance data has been post processed with the XBRLPostProcess function. Concept information is only available if the taxonomy has been loaded, prior to post processing.

Attributes are as follows:

  Key Name   Bitwise   Description/Comment  
    XM_FACT_HIDDEN   0x00010000   Fact was declared in the hidden area.  
    XM_FACT_TRANSFORMATION_ERROR   0x000000FF   A mask for the number of transformation errors in the fact. If this value is set, the data field cannot be relied upon as being correct.  
    XM_FACT_ERROR   0x10000000   There was an error with the fact.  



Last Revised: 08/19/2024 09:44 AM