
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter FourteenProject Functions (continued)

ProjectFindEntry Function


The ProjectFindEntry function looks through the project entries for a specific item using a variety of search modes while allowing entry fields to be selected.



int = ProjectFindEntry ( string match, [int index], [dword options] );



A string containing the match data.


An int that specifies the zero-based position of the entry within the project to start comparing from. The default is 0.


A dword specifying the search options. Options include the type of matching logic to use as well as the fields to search. The default is PROJECT_FIND_EXACT with PROJECT_FIND_IN_ALL_FIELDS without regard to text case.

Return Value

An int containing the matching index for a formatted error code. If a valid index is returned, the GetLastError function can be used to determine in which field the data was found. The code will be one of the field codes.


When searching all fields (the default) the script cannot resume search on the same index position since a starting field cannot be specified.

The table below contains the bitwise options:

  Define   Bitwise   Comment
  How to Match        
    PROJECT_FIND_MATCH_MASK   0x00070000   How to Compare
    PROJECT_FIND_EXACT   0x00000000   Character for Character
    PROJECT_FIND_CONTAINS   0x00010000   Partial - Contains
    PROJECT_FIND_STARTS_WITH   0x00020000   Partial - Starts With
    PROJECT_FIND_WILDCARD   0x00030000   Wild Card
    PROJECT_FIND_MATCH_CASE   0x00080000   Force Case Match
  What to Match        
    PROJECT_FIND_FIELD_MASK   0x0FF00000   Look in All Fields
    PROJECT_FIND_IN_ALL_FIELDS   0x00000000   Look in All Fields
    PROJECT_FIND_ENTRY_NAME   0x00100000   Find by Entry Name (File)
    PROJECT_FIND_RESOLVED_NAME   0x00200000   Find by Resolved Name
    PROJECT_FIND_TYPE   0x00400000   Descriptive Type (Document EDGAR)
    PROJECT_FIND_DESCRIPTION   0x00800000   File Description
    PROJECT_FIND_COMMENT   0x01000000   Comment
    PROJECT_FIND_EDIT_STATUS   0x02000000   Edit Status
    PROJECT_FIND_SWITCHES   0x04000000   Publishing Switches


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL