
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter FourteenProject Functions (continued)

ProjectSetEntryData Function


The ProjectSetEntryData function replaces the existing data associated with an entry in the project file entry list with new data.



int = ProjectSetEntryData ( int index, string[] array | [string type, string description,
                            string comment, string status, string switches,
                            string member] );



An int that specifies the zero-based position of the entry to replace.


A string array specifying the data elements of the items. The key names are: Type, Description, Comment, EditStatus, Switches and Member. Other key names such as Filename will be ignored. See parameters below for size limits. If the size is exceeded the value is truncated without warning. If the array is employed, then no other parameters are allowed.


An optional string containing a descriptive type. For EDGAR this is the same as the ‘document type’. Maximum of 256 characters. If array is specified, this parameter should not be used.


An optional string containing a description. For EDGAR this is the same as the ‘document description’. Maximum of 512 characters. If array is specified, this parameter should not be used.


An optional string containing a comment. For EDGAR this can be the same as the segment or module CIK. Maximum of 1024 characters. If array is specified, this parameter should not be used.


An optional string containing a status string. For EDGAR this is the same as the segment CCC. Maximum of 256 characters. If array is specified, this parameter should not be used.


An optional string containing switches. Maximum of 256 characters. If array is specified, this parameter should not be used.


An optional string containing publishing member keywords. Maximum of 128 characters. If array is specified, this parameter should not be used.

Return Value

Returns an int as ERROR_NONE or a formatted error code on failure.


For array mode, the key names are as follows:

  Key Name   Description  
  Filename   Entry filename. Generally relative but can be set as an absolute path.  
  Type   General string (EDGAR Document Type)  
  Description   General string (EDGAR Document Description)  
  Comment   General string  
  EditStatus   General string  
  Switches   General string  
  Member   Member set as string tokens: ‘Web’, ‘Book’, ‘Help’, ‘EDGAR’, ‘Support’, ‘UserA’ and ‘UserB’. For EDGAR products, ‘EDGAR’ is always assumed if blank.  


Size limits are not indicative of any EDGAR limits which are significantly smaller. See the EDGAR Filer Manual for details. Exceeding the above parameter sizes will result in a runtime error. Fields are not validated.

Project caret and select positions are not adjusted. However, the project window (Management View) is automatically updated.

See Project Entry Functions for additional information on key names.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL