
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter FourteenProject Functions (continued)

14.3 Project Entry Functions

14.3.1 Introduction

Files added and managed within a project are Project Entries. The file content is not stored in the project but rather the link to the file and various meta data such as EDGAR and publishing information.

This section covers functions that allow a script to access project entries.

14.3.2 Entry Data Items

Aside from the filename, each project entry has a number of characteristics or parameters. Some parameters are saved with the project while others are transient for the current session.

For certain functions, these parameters are represented as array key names or simple function parameters:

  Key Name   Description  
  Filename   Entry filename. Generally relative but can be set as an absolute path.  
  Type   General string (EDGAR Document Type)  
  Description   General string (EDGAR Document Description)  
  Comment   General string (User or entry comments. Also used as part of the data for EDGAR modules and segments.)  
  EditStatus   General string (Also used as part of the data for EDGAR segments.)  
  Switches   General string  
  Member   Member set as string tokens (For EDGAR products, ‘EDGAR’ is always assumed if blank.)  


14.3.3 Members

Each entry can have member flags. These flags can be used to control what publishing groups the entry belongs to. Tokens are used to define the membership and are defined as follows:

  Book Entry is part of a book group.  
  EDGAR Entry is part of an EDGAR submission.  
  Help Entry is part of an HTML Help Library.  
  Support Entry is general support and is not published.  
  UserA A user designation.  
  UserB A user designation.  
  Web Entry is published to a website.  


14.3.4 Functions