
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter SixteenApplication (continued)

16.7 Information View

16.7.1 Overview

The Information View is a separate, dockable, component of the application frame. It consists of a series of information logs and table windows.

Primary, is the Container Window that is the docking window, which in, turn holds the Content windows and Tabs. Functions that create an Information View Log will return the handle in the response buffer and can be retrieved using the GetMenuFunctionResponse and GetParameter functions.

Log information can be retrieved from a tab by using the InfoViewGetLogObject function. Likewise, a tab can be create using the LogDisplay function.

16.7.2 Functions

Information View Functions

InfoViewCloseTab — Closes the specified tab within the information view.

InfoViewGetLogObject — Exports data as a Log Object for the specified log tab within the Information View.

Top Level Log Functions

AddMessage — Adds a formatted message to the default or a specified log, or other object.

LogCreate — Creates a general log object with an optional log name and target filename base.

LogDisplay — Displays the specified log as a tab in the Information View window.