
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter SeventeenApplication Integration Functions (continued)

QuickKeyEnumerate Function


The QuickKeyEnumerate function enumerates the quick key list for a specified view.



string[][] = QuickKeyEnumerate ( string view );



A string, specifying the view name to enumerate quick keys.

Return Value

An string table a series of rows corresponding to each quick key entry or an empty array on failure. Use the GetLastError and GetLastErrorMessage to determine the nature of the error. 


The column key names are as follows:

  Key Name   Description  
  KeyID   A decimal version of the menu function ID for the corresponding key.  
  KeyCode   A string translation of the key ID.  
  FileTypeCodes   A series of optional file type code as hexadecimal that must match for context. If blank, the file type is not used.  
  FileTypeStrings   A series of optional file type strings that must match for context. If blank, the file type is not used.  
  ChordADisplay   If this represents that first in a series of chords, the textual description as displayed on the application’s status bar.  
  ChordAKey   The key, as character, that is used for a chord. Empty represents that it is not a key chord.  
  ChordBDisplay   If this represents that second in a series of chords, the textual description as displayed on the application’s status bar.  
  ChordBKey   The key, as character, that is used for the second character in a chord. Empty represents that it is not an extended key chord.  
  FunctionID   A decimal version of the menu function ID to translate the key match.  
  FunctionCode   A string version of the menu function code to translate the key match.  
  ClassData   Optional caller data.  
  Description   Optional description of the quick key.  
  Group   Optional group of the quick key.  
  Source   The source of the key, if loaded as a default key from the application, the value will be “Application”.  


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE