
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter NineDialog Functions (continued) 

9.4.10 Supported Controls

Each dialog controls is a window placed within the context of a dialog box or dialog page. Legato layers many Windows defined and also provides for proprietary controls such as Page Control or Data Control.

Control classes that are not defined can still be used but must be manually manipulated via ControlSendMessage and other means. It may be difficult to interface to some windows if they require binary data structures not easily created in Legato.

The following table reviews the supported classes:

  Class Alias Source API Prefix  
  button Windows



  combobox Windows ComboBox  
  data_control DataControl Legato DataControl  
  edit Windows Edit  
  listbox Windows ListBox  
  msctls_progress32 ProgressBar Windows ProgressControl  
  page_control PageControl Legato PageControl  
  richedit   Windows RichEdit  
  scrollbar Windows Scrollbar  
  static Windows StaticControl  
  SysDateTimePicker32 DateTimePicker Windows



  SysIPAddress32 IPAddressEdit Windows IPAddressControl  
  syslink HypertextControl Windows HypertextControl  
  SysTabControl32 TabControl Windows TabControl  
  trackbark32 TrackBar Windows Trackbar  


Page revised 2024-08-19