
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

XDXCreatePresentationComponent Function


The XDXCreatePresentationComponent function assembles parameters to create presentation information component.



string = XDXCreatePresentationComponent ( string data[] );



A string array containing named parameters. See Remarks below.

Return Value

A string containing coded component for an engram or an empty string on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code and GetLastErrorMessage for additional detail.


Component parameters are provided as an array with named keys. The key names are as follows:

  Key Name   Description  

Period match mode as a numeric string. See below.
  period_match_string   Period match mode as a descriptive string.  
  indent   Nesting level for grouping, same as a visual indent.  
  negated_role   Line item facts use negated role or negated state on a presentation.  
  total_role   Line item facts use total role or total state on presentation.  
  abstract_role   Line item specifies an abstract (no facts).  
  date   Line item specifies a context date change.  
  calculation   Line item is part of a calculation. See below.  
  main_presentation   Exception to force on to summary or level 1 presentation.  
  relation_code   See below.  
  relation_string   See below.  
  parent   Parent element if required,  


Numeric string values and keywords are as follows:

  Definition   Value   Keyword String   Description  
  Period Match              
    XDX_ROW_PM_NONE   0   none   Not Defined (Duration)  
    XDX_ROW_PM_INSTANT   1   instant   Instant  
    XDX_ROW_PM_BEGINNING   2   beginning   Instant (Beginning Duration)  
    XDX_ROW_PM_ENDING   3   ending   Instant (Ending Duration)  
  Calculation Relations              
    XDX_ROW_CALC_ADD   0       Adds  
    XDX_ROW_CALC_SUB   1       Subtracts  
    XDX_ROW_CALC_TOT   2       Totals  
    XDX_ROW_POS_AUTO   0   auto   Auto (use indent)  
    XDX_ROW_POS_CHILD   1   child   Child  
    XDX_ROW_POS_BEFORE   2   before   Before  
    XDX_ROW_POS_AFTER   3   after   After  


Note that the returned component does not contain an engram code. This is added when the component is added using the XDXPropertiesToEngram function.

The reciprocal function is XDXGetPresentationProperties.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic