
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

XDXGetPresentationProperties Function


The XDXGetPresentationProperties function returns the translated row/presentation flags in the form of properties from a row/info component or engram. The information specfies how the element/fact/row will be added to the eventual XBRL presentation.



string = XDXGetPresentationProperties ( string data );



A string containing an engram or element component of an engram.

Return Value

A string array containing the row properties for an empty array on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code and GetLastErrorMessage for additional detail.


The key names are as follows:

  Key Name   Description  

Period match mode as a numeric string. See below.
  period_match_string   Period match mode as a descriptive string.  
  indent   Nesting level for grouping, same as a visual indent.  
  negated_role   Line item facts use negated role or negated state on a presentation.  
  total_role   Line item facts use total role or total state on presentation.  
  abstract_role   Line item specifies an abstract (no facts).  
  date   Line item specifies a context date change.  
  calculation   Line item is part of a calculation. See below.  
  main_presentation   Exception to force on to summary or level 1 presentation.  
  relation_code   See below.  
  relation_string   See below.  
  parent   Parent element if required,  


Numeric string values and keywords are as follows:

  Definition   Value   String   Description  
  Period Match              
    XDX_ROW_PM_NONE   0   none   Not Defined (Duration)  
    XDX_ROW_PM_INSTANT   1   instant   Instant  
    XDX_ROW_PM_BEGINNING   2   beginning   Instant (Beginning Duration)  
    XDX_ROW_PM_ENDING   3   ending   Instant (Ending Duration)  
  Calculation Relations              
    XDX_ROW_CALC_ADD   0   add   Adds  
    XDX_ROW_CALC_SUB   1   subtract   Subtracts  
    XDX_ROW_CALC_TOT   2   total   Totals  
    XDX_ROW_POS_AUTO   0   auto   Auto (use indent)  
    XDX_ROW_POS_CHILD   1   child   Child  
    XDX_ROW_POS_BEFORE   2   before   Before  
    XDX_ROW_POS_AFTER   3   after   After  


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic