
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

XDXGetDisplayFlags Function


The XDXGetDisplayFlags function returns the translated display flags from a display component or engram.



dword = XDXGetDisplayFlags ( string data );



A string containing an engram or element component of an engram.

Return Value

A dword containing the display flags or 0x00000000 empty on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code and GetLastErrorMessage for additional detail.


The flags values are as follows:

  Definition   Bitwise   Description  
  Display Types          
    XDX_DISPLAY_TYPE_MASK   0xF0000000   Type Mask  
    XDX_DISPLAY_GENERAL   0x00000000   General (No extra formatting)  
    XDX_DISPLAY_CARDINAL   0x10000000   Cardinal Type (five hundred thirty)  
    XDX_DISPLAY_CARDINAL_MIX   0x20000000   Cardinal Mixed Type (5.3 hundred)  
    XDX_DISPLAY_DATE   0x40000000   Dates (May 3, 2011 or Feb 2011)  
    XDX_DISPLAY_ISODURATION   0x80000000   ISO Duration  
  Date/Duration Type Flags          
    XDX_DISPLAY_ISO_MASK   0x0F000000   ISO Mask  
    XDX_DISPLAY_ISO_FULL   0x00000000   Assume Full Duration (3 Years, 6 months)  
    XDX_DISPLAY_ISO_YEARS   0x01000000   Assume Years (ie 3 -> 3 Years)  
    XDX_DISPLAY_ISO_MONTHS   0x02000000   Assume Months (ie 3 -> 3 Months)  
    XDX_DISPLAY_ISO_WEEKS   0x03000000   Assume Weeks (ie 3 -> 3 Weeks)  
    XDX_DISPLAY_ISO_DAYS   0x04000000   Assume Days (ie 3 -> 3 Days)  
    XDX_DISPLAY_ISO_HOURS   0x05000000   Assume Hours (ie 3 -> 3 Hours)  
  Partial Types          
    XDX_DISPLAY_PERCENT   0x00100000   Is Percent (x100)  
  Additional Formatting          
    XDX_DISPLAY_NONEFORZERO   0x00000001   None for 0 (None in text)  
    XDX_DISPLAY_NOFORZERO   0x00000002   No for 0 (No in text)  
    XDX_DISPLAY_DASHFORZERO   0x00000004   - for 0 (- is normally nil)  
    XDX_DISPLAY_NOCOMMAS   0x00000008   No Commas in number  
    XDX_DISPLAY_USENEGATIVE   0x00000010   Use Negative Sign instead of parens  
    XDX_DISPLAY_INVERT   0x00010000   Invert Value  


This function is the reciprocal of the XDXCreateDisplayComponent function,

The error should be checked since 0x00000000 could be considered a value display value.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic