
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter EighteenDataView Integration (continued)

DataViewGetTab Function


The DataViewGetTab function retrieves all the data fields associated with a Data View tab.



string[] = DataViewGetTab ( handle hView, [int index] );



A handle to either a Data View Object or to a window that employs Data View.


An optional zero-based int specifying the tab index or sheet position. If omitted or -1, the sheet associated with the handle’s view is used.

Return Value

Returns a string array containing the tab’s properties or an empty array on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve error information.


Depending on the view type and the application, various fields will contain data. They are named as follows:

  Key Name   Description/Comment
  General Items:    
    Name   The tab’s name. This field will always be populated.
    Description   A description for the tab.
    Comments   Comments for the tab.
    Tip   Popup tip for the tab. (The hosting application may not support this feature.)
  Dimensional Items:    
    RefID   A reference ID. Use depends on the view.
    CallerDataX   Up to 4 32-bit caller data words. They are reported in string form as hexadecimal. Use depends on the view.
    UserData   General data. Use depends on the view.


Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL