
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Chapter TwentyPageView Integration (continued)

20.3 High-Level CSS Support

20.3.1 Overview

As part of the formatting and editing functions of Page View, high-level (user access) CSS functions are provided. While these can be accessed via menu functions, they can also be accessed via direct calls to perform various functions.

20.3.2 CSS Declaration Editor

The CSS Declaration Editor can be accessed using either a declaration string or an array of CSS properties by calling the CSSEditDeclaration or CSSEditProperties functions. When using a declaration string, CSS shorthand can be used to set properties and will be employed in the return data.

The dialog is set up as a series of dialog tabs for like properties. For example:

The tabs can be controlled by setting the pages parameter for each function. By default, all pages are displayed. to control the pages, various bitwise positions can be OR’d together:

  Definition   Bitwise   Description
  CSS Groups Properties      
    CEP_DEFAULT_PAGES   0x00000000   Present Default Pages
    CEP_ALL_PAGES   0x00FFFFFF   Present All Pages
  Bitwise Pages      
    CEP_ELEMENT_PAGE   0x00000001   Element Page (related to block/element display)
    CEP_FONT_PAGE   0x00000002   Font Page
    CEP_SPACING_PAGE   0x00000004   Spacing Page (extended font information)
    CEP_FORMAT_PAGE   0x00000008   Format Page (block spacing, alignment, etc)
    CEP_BOX_PAGE   0x00000010   Box Page (box control)
    CEP_POSITION_PAGE   0x00000020   Position Page
    CEP_BORDER_PAGE   0x00000040   Border Page
    CEP_OUTLINE_PAGE   0x00000080   Outline Page‡
    CEP_BACKGND_PAGE   0x00000100   Background/Fill Page
    CEP_PAGE_PAGE   0x00000200   Page Page‡
    CEP_WINDOW_PAGE   0x00000400   Window Page (window styles such as scrollbars)‡
    CEP_LIST_PATH   0x00000800   List Page (list display)‡
    CEP_MISC_PAGE   0x00001000   Miscellaneous Page‡
    CEP_UNSUPPORTED_PAGE   0x01000000   Unsupported Items
    CEP_MULTIPLE_SELECT   0x08000000   Act as if Multiple Selected Items
  Partial Pages      
    CEP_FORMAT_PAGINATION_PAGE   0x20000000   Format Page (Pagination Only)


‡ Pages not presently supported.


20.3.3 Declaration Editing Functions

High-Level Functions:

CSSEditDeclaration — Presents CSS Declaration Editor using a declaration string with various options.

CSSEditProperties — Presents CSS Declaration Editor using a property list with various options.

CSSClearProperties — Clears all CSS properties from the specified SGML Object’s element.

CSSGetDeclaration — Returns all the CSS properties in the form of a CSS declaration string.

CSSGetProperties — Returns all the CSS properties in the form of a string list.

CSSLayerDeclaration — Layers a declaration string on to an SGML Object’s element.

CSSLayerProperties — Layers an array of CSS properties string on to an SGML Object’s element.

CSSSetDeclaration — Sets a declaration string into an SGML Object’s element.

CSSSetProperties — Sets an array of CSS properties string into an SGML Object’s element.