
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5a

Application v 5.23b



Part II — Application Specific Functionality

Chapter SixteenApplication

Chapter Contents

16.1 Application Introduction
16.1.1 Scope
16.2 Command Line Operation
16.2.1 Parameter
16.2.2 Script Command Line Arguments
16.3 Command Line Functions
16.3.1 Overview
16.3.2 Command Line Arguments
16.3.3 Command Line Functions
GetCommandLineParameter Function
16.4 Settings Functions
16.4.1 General Settings
16.4.2 Application Preferences
16.4.3 Application Settings
16.4.4 The INI Format
16.4.5 The System Registry
GetSetting Function
PutSetting Function
GetEncryptedSetting Function
PutEncryptedSetting Function
RegistryCreateKey Function
RegistryDeleteKey Function
RegistryDeleteValue Function
RegistryEnumerateKeys Function
RegistryEnumerateNames Function
RegistryGet32Word Function
RegistryGet64Word Function
RegistryGetBlock Function
RegistryGetFloat Function
RegistryGetString Function
RegistryGetType Function
RegistrySetValue Function
GetPreferenceData Function
GetPreferenceFile Function
LoadPreferences Function
ResetPreferences Function
SavePreferences Function
SetPreferences Function
16.5 Frame Functions
16.5.1 The Application Frame
16.5.2 The Status Bar Functions
StatusBarGetMessage Function
StatusBarMessage Function
StatusBarSetMessage Function
StatusBarSetProgress Function
16.6 Executing Menu Functions
16.6.1 Menu/Ribbon Functions
16.6.2 Functions
DisableFileHistory Function
RunMenuFunction Function
GetMenuFunctionLog Function
GetMenuFunctionParameters Function
GetMenuFunctionResponse Function
IsMenuFunctionRepeated Function
SetMenuFunctionParameters Function
SetMenuResponseParameter Function
16.7 Information View
16.7.1 Overview
16.7.2 Functions
InfoViewCloseTab Function
InfoViewGetLogObject Function