Some time over the weekend of January 27th, EDGAR XBRL filers began experiencing an issue when submitting large XBRL filings to the EDGAR system. This issue concerns a change that was made in Arelle. Specifically, when an XBRL report is run through Arelle with too many possible dimensional combinations on a single report, Arelle now produces an error and the EDGAR System rejects the filing. The SEC is working on a solution to this issue.
The error appears as follows:
WRN: XBRL ERROR MESSAGEMSG: Error: [error] Presentation group with 5 axes could havemore than 2 billion cells. Split up this presentation group and see EFM6.25.2 to see how to reduce the number of combinations
This is a significant issue for Risk/Return filings in particular, since the default presentation can be a single detail data presentation that combines all facts. Thus, if there are more than three or perhaps four series in the report, this error is likely to occur. GAAP filers can also be impacted if they have extremely large detail narrative notes in their submissions.
Currently, the only known work-around is to split the large presentation up into smaller presentations. GAAP filers can use the Edit Engram Presentation function in GoFiler to force facts to render elsewhere in the filing. For Risk/Return filers, there is no way to fix this problem other than manually editing the presentation to split the detail data into smaller sections. This approach involves XML code editing.
The SEC’s Structured Data expects this to be changed to a non-fatal warning by Tuesday, February 6th. In the mean time, we highly recommend you avoid filing large XBRL reports until after the SEC implements their fix if you can do so. If you must file before then and need assistance, our support staff is able to adjust your filings manually; we would require a 1–2 hour warning that you require our help.
For more details, please contact support.