Please use the Check for Updates function to update your software to the latest version.
For users interested in a quick video overview of the Fee Exhibit Editor that is available in GoFiler Complete, please contact support.
GoFiler Complete 5.22a
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to version 24.1.
– Added Forms 17AD-27 and 17AD-27/A.
– Corrected an issue with SCHEDULE 13D/G that caused the document type list to be blank.
– Corrected an issue that caused an internal error when using the Import CSV function.
– Added better translation and validation for special characters in SCHEDULE 13D/G.
– Corrected an issue with CUSIP validation.
– Corrected an issue where “Use Existing Series ID” would replace data in the Series ID field with the company name.
Form ATS-N Updates
– CRD numbers will now automatically be zero-filled if they are less than 9 characters.
Form MA Updates
– CRD numbers will now automatically be zero-filled if they are less than 9 characters.
Form D Updates
– CRD numbers will now automatically be zero-filled if they are less than 9 characters.
N-CEN Updates
– Items F.18 and F.19 on the Form N-CEN HTML Proof will now render only if required by the form type being proofed.
– Corrected an issue that could result in instability if the filer was either type N-4 or N-6 with many classes.
N-PX Updates
– CRD numbers will now automatically be zero-filled if they are less than 9 characters.
Form C
– CRD numbers will now automatically be zero-filled if they are less than 9 characters.
Form 24F-2
– Corrected an issue that would cause the “All?” checkbox for all series to display incorrectly on the proof.
Page View and HTML
– Corrected an issue with the Make XHTML function on the Edit and iXBRL ribbons where the title text was being thrown out when a new XHTML header was created.
– Added validation for the presence of a document title for iXBRL documents.
– Added support for the 2024 versions of the following taxonomies: CEF, COUNTRY, CURRENCY, ECD, EXCH, NAICS, OEF, RXP, SIC, SNJ, SRT, STPR and US-GAAP.
– Added support for the SRO 2024 taxonomy.
– Added 11-K and 11-KT as acceptable form types for validation.
– Added a new Redact Content function for use with the SRO taxonomy and Form 17AD-27.
– Split the “Invert Data” and “Negate Row” options.
– Corrected an issue where creating an iXBRL document would remove the text in the title of the document.
– Added support for the 2024 versions of the following taxonomies: CEF, COUNTRY, CURRENCY, ECD, EXCH, NAICS, OEF, RXP, SIC, SNJ, SRT, STPR and US-GAAP.
– Added the SRO 2024 taxonomy.
– Added validation for the presence of a document title for iXBRL documents.
– Added a validation warning if the extensions engram appears after the close HTML tag.
– The application will now add dimensions to an equity presentation if the only facts using those dimensions are instant.
– The application will now write the embedded extensions and additional label engrams before the close body tag.
– Corrected an issue with the Make XHTML function where the title text was being thrown out when a new XHTML header was created.
– Added validation for the presence of a document title for iXBRL documents.
EDGAR iXBRL Fee Exhibit Editor
– The Fee Exhibit Editor is available on a beta preview basis. Please see the full release notes for information on what has changed for this feature.
GoFiler 5.22a
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to version 24.1.
– Added Forms 17AD-27 and 17AD-27/A.
– Corrected an issue with CUSIP validation.
– Corrected an issue where “Use Existing Series ID” would replace data in the Series ID field with the company name.
Page View and HTML
– Corrected an issue with the Make XHTML function on the Edit and iXBRL ribbons where the title text was being thrown out when a new XHTML header was created.
– Added validation for the presence of a document title for iXBRL documents.
GoFiler Lite 5.22a
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to version 24.1.
– Added Forms 17AD-27 and 17AD-27/A.
– Corrected an issue with CUSIP validation.
– Corrected an issue where “Use Existing Series ID” would replace data in the Series ID field with the company name.
Go16 Complete 5.22a
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to version 24.1.
Go16 5.22a
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to version 24.1.
Go13 5.22a
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to version 24.1.
– Corrected an issue with SCHEDULE 13D/G that caused the document type list to be blank.
– Corrected an issue that caused an internal error when using the Import CSV function.
– Added better translation and validation for special characters in SCHEDULE 13D/G.
– Corrected an issue with CUSIP validation.
– Corrected an issue where “Use Existing Series ID” would replace data in the Series ID field with the company name.
GoFormD 5.22a
General EDGAR Updates
– Updated to version 24.1.
Form D Updates
– CRD numbers will now automatically be zero-filled if they are less than 9 characters.
GoXBRL 5.22a
Page View and HTML
– Corrected an issue with the Make XHTML function on the Edit and iXBRL ribbons where the title text was being thrown out when a new XHTML header was created.
– Added validation for the presence of a document title for iXBRL documents.
– Added support for the 2024 versions of the following taxonomies: CEF, COUNTRY, CURRENCY, ECD, EXCH, NAICS, OEF, RXP, SIC, SNJ, SRT, STPR and US-GAAP.
– Added support for the SRO 2024 taxonomy.
– Added 11-K and 11-KT as acceptable form types for validation.
– Added a new Redact Content function for use with the SRO taxonomy and Form 17AD-27.
– Split the “Invert Data” and “Negate Row” options.
– Corrected an issue where creating an iXBRL document would remove the text in the title of the document.
– Added support for the 2024 versions of the following taxonomies: CEF, COUNTRY, CURRENCY, ECD, EXCH, NAICS, OEF, RXP, SIC, SNJ, SRT, STPR and US-GAAP.
– Added the SRO 2024 taxonomy.
– Added validation for the presence of a document title for iXBRL documents.
– Added a validation warning if the extensions engram appears after the close HTML tag.
– The application will now add dimensions to an equity presentation if the only facts using those dimensions are instant.
– The application will now write the embedded extensions and additional label engrams before the close body tag.
– Corrected an issue with the Make XHTML function where the title text was being thrown out when a new XHTML header was created.
– Added validation for the presence of a document title for iXBRL documents.