On June 22, 2021, the SEC announced amendments to
Volume I of the
EDGAR Filer Manual pertaining to Section 4.b and the Manual Passphrase Update Request. These updates require filers who have misplaced their passphrase to provide certain supporting documentation indicating the connection between the individual(s) requesting access and the existing EDGAR account. They must also provide documentation indicating how the individual(s) requesting access connects to the individual(s) acting on that individual’s behalf.
Filers are required to submit documents with a request for access along with supplemental documentation as requested by SEC staff if they are seeking access to an existing EDGAR account for which they do not have access codes or a valid contact email address. The updates stipulate that filers seeking access under this process should allow a minimum of five business days for processing of the request. Filers are also required to respond to requests from SEC staff for supplemental information and documents.
For questions or more information, contact Filer Support at (202) 551-8900, and choose option 3.
Adoption of the EDGAR Filer Manual, Manual Passphrase Update Amendment (sec.gov)